Working group on accessibility / inclusion

Berlin Meeting 15-16 march 2011

Agenda Document for the meeting Heavy Rail survey main findings -INTERMODES conference Documents presented during the meeting BAIM Plus project by Alex Pilz VBB (to be uploaded soon) Sms information service for the disabled passengers by Christian Nathhorst STIF Activity report Secretary General SA


Madrid meeting : 7 & 8 september 2010

– Record of decision – Draft agenda – Registration form – Hotel facilities – Map of metro Documents for the meeting – Presentation of universal design of streets and public transport stops in Göteborg – EMTA contribution to the revision of EU Disability Policy Documents presented during the meeting – Presentation of Madrid Accessibility Policy


Paris Meeting : 20 & 21 january 2010

– Agenda – Record of decision – How to come to STIF office Presentations made during the technical visits – Gap filler – BlueEyes – RATP ticket machine

Barcelona meeting : 10 & 11 june 2009

–Agenda –Record of decisions -Presentation made during the meeting : EDF Presentation ATM Presentation (15 mb – Take some time to download)

Manchester Meeting 14-15 January 2009

–Agenda –Record of decisions -Presentation made during the meeting : APRS Presentation Alternative formats Presentation Creating an Inclusive Environment Training Programme City Center Crime AENEAS Dublin

Berlin Meeting 5-6 June 2008

– Agenda – Record of decisions – Presentations during the meeting: Marketing at STIF Presentation of summmary on “Older population and Public Transport” BAIM presentation (18,4mb – Take some time to download) Merton council on Scooters – Technical specification of interoperability TSI 2008/164/EC Commission decision 21/12/07 – Work in Progress Draft Action Plan

EMTA Study: Growing older population mobility needs

– Call for Bids :: Rupprecht Consult Proposal :: Questionnaire – Answers to the questionnaire: Analysis grid :: Zip Archive of answers – Presentation of the inception report by Rupprecht Consult – Presentation of the Main findings Bilbao Apr 07 by Rupprecht Consult – Final report

Paris Meeting 2 July 2007

– Agenda – Presentation made during the meeting (pdf): STIF Accessibility Master Plan STIF on inclusion Rupprecht presentation of the study in Bilbao Excerps from study Presentation Bolton University MSc transport leaflet BAIM project – Record of decision

Frankfurt Meeting – 12-13 October 2006

– Agenda :: Record of decisions – Presentation of the first findings – Presentations made during the meeting (pdf): KOLLA project in Göteborg – Roland Jenssen Travel Training in Salzburg – Angelika Gasteiner

Manchester Meeting – 1 March 2006

– Agenda :: Record of Decisions – Documents of the meeting : . Growing older mobility needs – EMTA Call for Bids :: Rupprecht Consult Proposal :: Working Program . Travel Training Presentation – David Partington (GMPTE) . Travel Training Guide – More info on GMPTE website . ISNT : Integrating Social Transport Needs –