Berlin : Public transport networks

Description of the network

The VBB offers an integrated public transport system within its area including the services of most of the public and private public transport companies of Berlin and Brandenburg comprising bus services, tram services, the Berlin Underground, the S-Bahn, the regional railways and even ferry services run by the local public transport companies.

Partner of the VBB are 43 local and regional public transport operators, among them:

  • DB Regio AG,
  • S-Bahn Berlin GmbH,
  • BVG Berliner Verkehrsbetriebe AöR,
  • PEG Prignitzer Eisenbahn GmbH,
  • ODEG Ostdeutsche Eisenbahn GmbH,
  • NEB Betriebsgesellschaft mbH
  • ViP Verkehrsbetrieb Potsdam GmbH.
  Urban buses Suburban buses Tramways Metro Heavy rail S-Bahn
Nb of lines 169 703 47 10 47 15
Operators 6 35 8 1 5 1

Please find the complete list of them following this link.

Map of the network

S-Bahn and U-Bahn Network Map for Berlin

Regional Network Map for Berlin and Brandenburg


SUPPLY Heavy rail Metro Tramway Bus S-Bahn Ferry
Network lengh
2,357 146 310 48,386 327 8
Nb stops/stations 336 173 712 12,278 166 18
Nb vehicles 477 1,244 483 3,138 650 7
Train/car km (millions) 38.12 21.54 26.59 170.76 32.87

More datas from operators following those 2 links :