Bilbao : Identification of metropolitan area
Bizkaia is one of the Regions of the Basque Country. It has 1.141.442 inhabitants living in 111 municipalities and covers a surface of 2,217 km².
Its capital city is Bilbao, a city of 343.234 inhabitants on 41.3 km².
The Metropolitan Area of Bilbao has a population of 878,000 inhabitants in 26 municipalities covering 364,8 km².
Other municipalities are Barakaldo (99.526 inhab.) and Getxo (79.815 inhab.).
Number of jobs : 445.855
Bizkaia annual GDP/inhabitant : 17,791&euro
Geographic situation

Diputación de Bizkaia:

Ría de Bilbao y Puente de Bilbao: