Bilbao : Responsible authorities
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Bizkaio Garraio Partzuergoa Transport Consortium of Bizkaia
Ugasko 5 bis, 1 – 48014 Bilbao – Spain
Tel : 34 94 476 61 50 – Fax : 34 94 475 00 21
– Responsible person: Mr Manu Tejada Lanbarri, Managing Director
– Date of creation: 1975
– Status: Local company with participation of the Basque Government, Bizkaia County Government (Diputacion Foral de Bizkaia), Municipality of Bilbao (Ayuntamiento de Bilbao) and other municipalities
– Personnel: 22
The Consorcio de Transportes de Bizkaia was created in December 1975 as an organisation independent from its members. Its budget comes from the Basque Government, the Diputacion Foral de Bizkaia and from operations. The Board has 26 members:
– Basque Governement: 13 members
– Bizkaia county government: 2 members
– Municipality of Bilbao: 2 members
– Other municipalities: 9 members
Current President of the Consorcio de Transportes is the general county councillor (Diputado General) de Bizkaia and the Vice-President is the Mayor (Alcade) of the municipality of Basauri.
The missions of Consorcio de Transportes are :
– to assist with financing the Bilbao Metropolitan Railway infrastructures, and carrying out general superstructure and fitting projects
– to operate the Bilbao Metropolitan Railway through Metro Bilbao S.A., a publicly-owned company in which the Bizkaia Transport Consortium holds 100% of the shares
– to ensure sound operation of the transport system in Bizkaia province, taking any measures required in conjunction with other authorities
– to exercise any authority invested in the Consortium by virtue of a plan for arrangement and co-ordination of public transport in Bizkaia
CTB budget amounted to 200.00 million Euro in 2016.
The institution must finance work on the Bilbao Metropolitan Railway, subsidise any operating deficits in the Metro, absorb finance relating to oustanding debt and deal with any other investment or expenditure in connection with its powers.