
Brussels Mobility
Place Saint-Lazare 2
1035 Brussels

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Basic information

Name of the public transport authority: Brussels Mobility

Name of the public transport authority in local language: Bruxelles Mobilité, Brussel Mobiliteit

Geographical area: Brussels-Capital Region

Inhabitants in the PTA area: 1.2 million


Brussels Mobility is the organising authority in the Brussels Capital Region (BCR) for:

  • public transport (bus, tram and metro) with the exception of trains which remain a federal responsibility
  • other modes of transport (active travel, individual motorised modes, etc.), as well as parking policy and goods transport.

Brussels Mobility is also responsible for the construction of new metro lines and the renovation of roads in the BCR (regional roads, cycle paths, etc.). It carries out this mission of organising authority via its regional Mobility Plan “Good Move” for the period 2020-2030.

Brussels Mobility is responsible for drawing up the new Public Servcie Contract with STIB-MIVB, the internal public transport operator, for the period 2024-2028.

Organisational model

Metropolitan/regional department

Brussels Mobility is owned by Brussels-Capital Region.

Transport service contracting

Procured by the PTA: express buses, commuter trains

Not procured by the PTA, but most/all services accept PTA tickets: urban buses, regional buses within the PTA, metro, trams

Current developments

As of 2024:

  • Implementation of MaaS (Mobility as a Service)
  • Development of mobility hubs