Dublin Transportation Office (DTO)
Hainault House – St Stephens Green,69 – 71 – Dublin 2 – Ireland
Tel : 353 1 4778 1000 – Fax : 353 1 4778 5935
– Responsible person: John Henry, Director / Chief Executive
– Date of creation: 1995
The Dublin Transportation Office (DTO) was established in 1995 to co-ordinate the implementation by the relevant agencies of an agreed integrated transport strategy for the Greater Dublin Area, namely the Dublin Transportation Initiative (DTI) which was adopted as government policy in 1994.
The DTI “Vision for Dublin” was to produce a practicable set of recommendations for new transport infrastructure and complimentary measures to manage projected growth in the demand for travel from all sections of the community over twenty years.
The business of the office is managed and controlled by the Director.
Overall responsabilities for the office rests with the Steering Committee appointed by the Minister of Transport.
The Dublin Transportation Office aimed not just to provide another report on a shelf but ongoing planning process. It makes a continuous input to transport planning and land use policy through a team of engineers, planners, GIS officers and administrators who specialise in Transportation Planning, Transportation Modelling, Traffic Management and Land Use Planning.