Responsible authorities

  • Updated6 December 2005
  • Geneva

Office des Transports et de la Circulation

20, rue du Stand – 1204 Genève – Suisse
Tél : 41 22 327 47 70 – Fax : 41 22 327 51 33

Responsible person : Mr Jean-Luc Gindre
Status : Administrative Department


OTC collaborates with the organizing authorities of regional public transport.


The Office des Transports et de la Circulation (OTC) mission consists in creating the operational strategies based on the general planning defined by the Director of the Department of Traffic and Parking. It takes the territory, the traffic, the parking, the public transports, the environment and the information management.
OTC is charged:
– to define and negotiate the offer in public transport
– to allot the exploitation of it
– to ensure the quality control of it

OTC treats administrative procedures in connection with the proper authorities (Federal Office of Transport – OFT, partners of Vaud and French).