Hamburger Verkehrsverbund GmbH
Steindamm 94 – D-20099 Hamburg – Germany
Tel : 00 40 32 57 75-0xx – Fax : 00 40 32 57 75-820
– Managing Directors: Lutz Aigner, Peter Kellermann
– Date of creation: 1965
The first public transport co-operation in Hamburg was established in 1965 as a company of . It operated in accordance with the respective business principles. It was owned by the public transport operators in the Hamburg region. As a consequence of the changes in the legal framework, the HVV GbR was restructured in 1996. Ownership of the HVV GbR was shifted to a co-operation agency owned by the competent authorities in charge of public transport, the HVV GmbH (limited liability company).
The HVV now is formed as a Triple-Level Model with the Public Transport Authorities (Political Level) beeing responsible for ensuring and financing an adequate service offer for residents in their area, the HVV GmbH (Guidance and Management Level) beeing responsible for managing local public transport on behalf of the public transport authorities (PTAs) and for co-ordinating the work of the transport operators and the Transport Operators co-operating in HVV (Service Provision Level) providing the local public transport and customer service.
The HVV service area covers all or large parts of 3 regional German states. These states and their respective boroughs, counties and municipalities have been legally appointed to act as public transport authorities (PTAs). This means that they are obliged to provide and finance an adequate level of public transport of their local population. In order to perform this task as successfully as possible, the PTAs concerned decided to found HVV GmbH.
In conjunction with the transport operators co-operating in the HVV partnership, we organise, guide and manage public transport in the metropolitan region.
Our aim is to provide the population with efficient, user-friendly services at fair prices.
Budget of HVV GmbH (guidance organisation) : 5,1 Millions € in 2006.