Krakow : Public transport networks

There are 26 tram lines and 169 bus lines within the City Transportation System, marked according to the following system:

  • x, 1x, 2x, 5x – day tram lines;
  • 4x – day supporting and special tram lines;
  • 6x – night tram lines;
  • 7x – replacement tram lines, such as those operated when others are under repair;
  • 8x – special tram lines running during All Saints’ Day celebrations (November 1);
  • 1xx – day bus lines;
  • 2xx – daily agglomeration bus lines;
  • 3xx – day fast agglomeration bus lines;
  • 4xx – day bus support lines;
  • 5xx – day bus fast lines;
  • 6xx – night bus lines;
  • 7xx – replacement bus lines, such as those operated when others are under repair;
  • 8xx – special bus lines running during All Saints’ Day celebrations (November 1);
  • 9xx – night agglomeration bus lines.
Fig. Municipal network of public transport information (source: Krakow in numbers 2020)
Fig. Municipal network of public transport information (source: Krakow in numbers 2020)

Thanks to inter-city agreements, the network covers not only the city of Krakow but also 18 municipalities, thus forming an area of agglomeration transportation.

The network is operated by two operators:

  • Municipal Communications Company SA in Krakow carrying out tram and most bus transport;
  • Mobilis sp. z o. o. operating on bus lines.
