Lisbon : Responsible authority

Transportes Metropolitanos de Lisboa
Transportes Metropolitanos de Lisboa
Rua Cruz de Santa Apolónia
23, 25, 25A
1100-187 Lisboa
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The Metropolitan Area of Lisbon (AML) was created in 1991 as an intermunicipal association of 18 municipalities that aims to promote planning and management of the economic, social, and environmental strategy of its territory.
Since 2015, AML is also the transport authority, overseeing the definition of the strategic objectives for the regional and urban mobility as well as the planning, organization, operation, allocation, supervision, investment, financing, dissemination, and development of the transport system.
- General Manager: Carlos Humberto de Carvalho (First Metropolitan Secretary) ; Fernando de Medina (President of the Metropolitan Council)
- Date of constitution: 1991
- Status: Intermunicipal Association
- Personnel: 28 (2020)
Contact Information
Área Metropolitana de Lisboa
Rua Cruz de Santa Apolónia, 23-25ª, 1100-187, Lisboa
T. (+351) 218 428 570 / F. (+351) 218 428 577
Usefull Contact: Sérgio Pinheiro; Catarina Marcelino; Camila Garcia
AML has established mobility and transport as its main priorities, assuring an integrated vision for the metropolitan transport system with the assumption of several functions o including the regulation, management, and planning of all transport modes. To achieve this vision, AML has been pursuing the following objectives/projects – projects already underway:
- Improvement of the knowledge regarding the metropolitan mobility with the development of several studies such as the AML Mobility Survey in cooperation with the National Statistics Institute (2017) and the development of a transport model for the region;
- Implementation of a new PT fare system that integrates all modes available into a single intermodal metropolitan pass, “Navegante”, with lower prices since in April 2019;
- Launching of a public tender for the bus network that guarantees an improved offer of the services with higher quality and in compliance with mobility standards;
- Definition of investment proposals for high capacity infrastructures focusing on the improvement and reinforcement of PT services;
- Promotion of ITS solutions to support the management of the PT services under AML responsibility (bus operator), the ticketing system and the provision of passengers’ information.
Governance model
The governance system of AML is organized as follows:
- a Metropolitan Council with deliberative powers and composed by the mayors of the 18 municipalities;
- an Executive Committee functioning as an executive organ and composed by 5 metropolitan secretaries including the first Secretary;
- a Strategic Council for the metropolitan development working as an advisory board.