Lyon : Responsible authorities
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SYTRAL Mobilités
Address: 21 bld Vivier Merle -CS 63815- 69487 Lyon Cedex 03
Tel: + 33 (0)4 72 84 58 00
SYTRAL, the Transit Authority of Rhone County and the Lyon Urban Area, governs the urban transport networks operated under the names TCL and Optibus. SYTRAL is responsible for transport in the Urban Transport Zone, or PTU, which includes the 65 cities and 1.3 million inhabitants.
- delegates the operation of the TCL network and the Optibus service.
- defines the strategic goals and makes the necessary investments: metro, tram, trolley bus and bus, or on-demand transport;
- decides on the transport offer: routes and frequency of the lines, location of stations and stops, etc.;
- defines and inspects the standards of quality of service: punctuality, availability, cleanness, safety, fight against fraud, etc.;
- defines a suitable and equitable fares policy,
- Develops and implements the Urban Transport Plan, as well as conducts surveys amongst local households.
SYTRAL mobilités is the new name of SYTRAL, which was created in 1985, is a local public administration
authority. It is made up of 85 officers, who prepare and
implement the decisions of the Supervisory Board, made up of
26 elected members.

The Supervisory Board:
In 2011, SYTRAL’s Supervisory Board is made up of 26 elected members
from two assemblies:
-16 elected members of the Lyon Urban Community, including
the President of SYTRAL;
-10 elected members of the Rhone county authority, including
the Vice-President of SYTRAL.
The Supervisory Board constitutes SYTRAL’s executive body.
Votes are taken on strategic decisions during sessions that are held every six weeks on average.
The Executive Board:
The Executive Board is made up of eight representatives from the Supervisory Board:
-five elected members, including the President;
-three members of the county council, including the Vice-
The bureau’s role is to define and prepare the decisions, which are then put to a vote by the members of the Supervisory Board.
The SYTRAL commissions:
-The Public Contracts commission
-The Public Contracts Assessment commission
-The Service Adaptation commission
-The Finance commission
-The Fares commission
-The Advisory commission of local public services
Operational teams :
91 employees work for SYTRAL, including both public sector employees and contractors. The cabinet, the safety counsellor and the communications department report directly to the President’s office. Four divisions report to the general management:
-finance and human ressources,
-infrastructure and estate,
The role of the divisions is to prepare and implement the decisions of the Supervisory Board.