Madrid : Financing/Pricing data
Supply/demand data 2019
The demand for public transport in 2019 was in the order of 1,600.7 million journeys. The average of 240.2 journeys per inhabitant places Madrid Region among the most frequent public transport users, both in Spain and Europe.

There are 8 fare zones in Madrid Region, two of them are out bounds Madrid, including part of the bordering provinces of Guadalajara, Cuenca and Toledo.
Madrid public transport system accounts with the following types of tickets:
- Single-use ticket, valid for one trip.
- Advance-purchase 10-journey ticket: valid for 10 trips.
- Touristic ticket, for 1, 2, 3 ,4, 5 or 7 days, valid in Madrid city or Madrid Community for all kind of modes.
- Personal multimodal Travel Card for unlimited use within a given time period and zone, named Public Transport Card. .
Fares are integrated for every public transport mode using monthly and annual travel cards. The Public Transport Card (contactless technology) is a multimodal travel ticket for use on all public transport modes (buses, metro, suburban railways…) within a specified zone. It is valid for a restricted period of time (a month or year).
Thanks largely to this Public Transport Card, public transport is now an affordable option for commuters in Madrid, and the system is further enhanced by the fact that people can use any of the existing modes of public transport without restriction.
There are four types of monthly travel passes:
- Standard Pass: for users aged 26-64.
- Youth Pass: for users aged 7-25.
- Senior Pass: for the over-65s.
- Child Pass: for users aged 4-6.
Annual standard and elderly passes are also available. The validity period of the travel cards backed with the new contactless technology is 30 days starting from their first use.

CRTM has also developed the “Multi card” (contactless technology). With these new car users could have different public transport titles within the same card (single and ten trips tickets).

For touristic zone ; children under 11 benefits of 50% discount
Funding of public transport in 2019
The transport system of the Region of Madrid is funded by contributions from several levels of the Central Government and by the revenues obtained from users.
The following figure provides an overview of the sources and allocations of the CRTM funding scheme:

Current developments and projects :
The studies and projects carried out by the CRTM in 2019 are the following:
- Study for the evaluation of the quality of public transport services.
*- Analysis and validation of indicators defined of the Quality Plan of suburban buses. - Study for the improvement of accessibility on transport nodes
- Adapt the design of Conde de Casal interchange to the project for the extension of line 11 of Metro
With regards to new Technologies, the CRTM promotes technological innovation through actions such as the implementation of NFC payment devices that will increase ticketing options.
In terms of intermodality improvements, CRTM activities has focused on the following activities:
- “APARCA+T” Plan which main aim is to integrate all Park&Ride facilities of Madrid Region in on app with real time information about occupancy, book in advanced etc.
- New metro station on line 7 (Arroyofresno)
- Improve accessibility to bus stops in the whole Region
In 2019 CRTM was involved in the CIVITAS ECCENTRIC project. This project will demonstrate and test the potential and replicability of integrated and inclusive urban planning approaches, innovative policies and emerging technologies to reach sustainable urban mobility objectives in the outskirts of cities. The solutions will be also focus on urban logistic solutions clean, silent and free of CO2 that improve the quality of life of citizens.