Madrid : Responsible authorities

Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid
Plaza Descrubidor Diego de Ordás, 3
E- 28003 Madrid
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Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid
Madrid Regional Government founded the Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid (CRTM) (in english, Regional Transport Consortium) by law on 1985, just two short years after the creation of the Region of Madrid itself.
CRTM is the public transport authority for Madrid Region, depending functionally on the Regional Government, and its responsibilities cover the provision of public transport services to the inhabitants of the entire Madrid Region and associated municipalities.
Its functions are:
- Planning of the public transport infrastructures: metro extensions, interchanges, bus lanes, etc. Responsible for surveys and models of mobility.
- Planning and authorising provision of public transport services: definition of routes in the network, stops, timetables and control of the level of service.
- Definition of the ticketing policy and fare framework for the public transport system. Management of the monthly and annual travel card (Abono Transporte) and multimodal tickets.
- Public transport information, marketing and image improvement.
CRTM’s Board of Management is made up of 20 members from a number of public and private bodies, including representatives from Madrid Regional Government (7 members), associated towns and municipalities (6 in total, 3 from Madrid City Council), the Spanish Government (2 members), private transport operators (2 members), Trade Unions (2 members) and user and consumer associations (1 member).
The CRTM President is a representative of the Comunidad de Madrid Government, and the Vice-President is a representative member of the municipality of Madrid.
CRTM has approximate 140 staff members, in 3 main directions: Strategic Planning and Operation Management; General Secretary and External Relations Management.
CRTM budget amounted to 2,412 M€ in 2019 including selling of integrated ticketing. These funds are used to pay operating costs of public transport operators and CRTM itself. New Infrastructure and Rolling Stock investments are not included.
Main revenues:
- Passengers: 1,019 M€
- Subsidies :
National Government: 126 M€
Regional Government: 1,067 M€
Madrid Municipality: 166 M€
- Other funds: 31 M€
Main expenses:
- CRTM: 38 M€
- Metro: 927 M€
- Madrid Urban Buses (EMT): 515 M€
- Interurban Railway and Suburban buses: 897 M€
- Other costs: 84 M€
Plaza Descubridor Diego de Ordás, 3
28003 Madrid, Spain
External Affairs Manager
Laura Delgado T. (+34) 91 580 45 31