Palma de Mallorca
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Basic information
Name of the public transport authority: CTM – Mallorca Transport Consortium
Name of the PTA in local language: Consorci de Transports de Mallorca (CTM)
Other public transport trademarks: TIB (Transport de les Illes Balears)
Geographical area: The entire island of Mallorca
Inhabitants in the PTA area: 0.9 million (with a seasonal peak of almost 1.5 million during the summer)
CTM is responsible for the integrated fare system for interurban public transport, including ticketing technology and fare definition. Ticket sales at vehicles and stations are carried out directly by transport operators.
CTM is responsible for planning, tendering and supervising the contracts of the interurban bus network. The network has been divided into three areas, each of them operated by a different concessionaire company (current contracts began in 2021). Train and metro are operated and maintained by a public railway company (SFM), owned by the same Regional Ministry that controls CTM. Urban buses in Palma are operated by a public transport company (EMT) controlled by Palma City Council.
Rolling stock and depot ownership:
The operators own the rolling stock and depots, with the exception of two depots owned by CTM.
Public transport planning:
CTM is responsible for planning interurban bus transport, including the service level, route definition, timetables, bus stops, etc.
Development of mobility policy / Transport system planning:
The responsibilities of CTM are limited to the public transport network, therefore CTM is not responsible for the sustainable urban mobility plans (SUMPs), road planning, or such. CTM has been consulted and has actively collaborated with other public bodies (island council road department, municipalities, etc.) when other projects have an impact on or a synergy with the public transport network, such as during planning of bus lanes, park&rides, etc.
Marketing of public transport:
CTM takes care of public transport marketing, carrying out campaigns, advertising, contests, events, and other actions to promote the use of public transport. Operators also carry out marketing actions and collaborate with CTM in this field.
Passenger information:
CTM is responsible for customer services and travel information, centralising and re-distributing passenger information to stations and stops, as well as managing the information displayed on the TIB website and the updated service data distributed to third-party bodies (Google, etc.).
Organisational model
Metropolitan/regional department
CTM is a public administration belonging the Autonomous Community of the Balearic Islands (Regional Government). Currently the members of CTM board are the president, which is the regional Minister for Transport, and the Vice-president, which is the Transport General Director. If the Municipality of Palma joins CTM, the mayor of Palma will become the Vice-president. Further members of the board are three representatives from the Regional Government and three representatives from the municipality of Palma if the municipality joins CTM.
Transport service contracting
Procured by the PTA: regional buses within the PTA
Not procured by the PTA, but most/all services accept PTA tickets: urban buses, metro, commuter trains
Current developments
As of 2024:
Currently, the CTM is working on the management, update and extension of the interurban bus network within the ongoing service contracts framework. This includes expanding the bus fleet, the construction of strategic interchange stations, the improvement of bus stops and travel information, the update of the interurban bus routes, the fine-tuning of routes in terms of frequency/capacity, the development and testing of digital transport management tools, etc.
In parallel, CTM has been studying the implementation of a new tram system in the city of Palma, together with other involved administrations. If the project is launched, CTM will tender the construction and operation of the new public transport infrastructure.