Palma de Mallorca : Public transport networks

The network includes the following services:

  • Interurban bus transport network, covering all municipalities of the island (known as TIB network), operated by private companies after a public tender.
  • Commuter train from Palma to Inca, sa Pobla and Manacor, operated by the public transport operator Majorcan Railway Services (SFM).
  • Palma metro, from Palma City Centre to the University of the Balearic Islands. (Operated by Serveis Ferroviaris de Mallorca/SFM).
  • Urban public transport network of the city of Palma, operated by the public company EMT Palma, a municipal company 100% owned by the Palma City Council.

Network summer map

Network winter map

The services of interurban bus are tendered. The CTM has been responsible for the management of the contracts since its creation in 2006. Before this dates the franchise contracts were managed by the Regional Government.

The train and metro are operated by a publicly owned company.
