Paris Ile-de-France : Responsible authorities
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Ile-de-France Mobilités
41 rue de Châteaudun- 75009 Paris – France
Tel : 33 (0)1 47 53 28 00 – Fax : 33 (0)1 47 05 11 05
contact by email
CEO : Laurent Probst
Date of creation : 1959
Status : Public Institution
Staff : 400 (2018)
From 2000 to 2005, the Board of the STIF was composed of 34 members, 17 of which representing the French State, and 17 local authorities of the Ile-de-France region: 5 for the Regional Council, 5 for the City of Paris, and 1 for each remaining 7 ‘Départements’ (similar to English Counties): Essonne, Hauts-de-Seine, Seine-et-Marne, Seine-Saint-Denis, Val-de-Marne, Val d’Oise and Yvelines. The Board was presided over by the Prefet (representative of the government in the region).
The involvement of the national government in the Transport Authority, which is a unique situation in France, ended in July 2005 with its total withdrawal.
Since 2005, the Board of STIF who is now named IdFM has been composed of regional and local authorities. The 29 seats are distributed as follows: 15 to the Regional Council, 5 to the city of Paris, 1 to each of the 7 other ‘Départements’ (similar to English Counties), 1 to the Regional Chamber of Commerce and Industry and 1 to the representative of inter-communality bodies. The President of IdFM is the president of the elected Regional Council.
IdFM employs more than 400 staff members in 5 main operational departments (Prospectives & studies, Infrastructures, Heavy rail, Mobility of surface, Intermodability & marketing), 2 support departements (Finances & contracts, Ressources) and 3 cross-functionally departments (Cabinet, Communication, Passengers/Customers support & Territories & European actions).
The Syndicat des Transports d’Ile-de-France (STIF) was created in 1959 so as to coordinate the provision of public transport services and to determine the fare policy in the French capital city. Becoming Ile-de-France mobilités it’s the integrated public transport authority competent for all modes of transport within the Ile-de-France Region as a whole.
IdFM designs, organises and finances the public transport for all Île-de-France inhabitants
At the heart of the Île-de-France public transport network, IdFM brings together all those involved (passengers, elected representatives, manufacturers, transport operators, infrastructure managers …), invests and innovates in order to improve the service offered to passengers.
IdFM, which consists of the Île-de-France Region, the City of Paris and the seven other Île-de-France ’départements’, is the body that lays out the vision for all transport in the Île-de-France (railway, RER, metro, trams, T Zen and buses).
It is therefore responsible for initiating and managing projects aimed at developing and modernising all the transport systems, the operation of which it entrusts to transport operators.
Financing public transport in the Île-de-France
IdFM is responsible for balancing transport costs in the Île-de-France.
It manages the operating budget (€10.085 billion in 2017). It is also involved in funding investments (renovating and ordering new trains, underground trains, buses, RER, trams; road and rail infrastructures…). It is also IdFM that produces the tickets and sets prices.
Exchanging ideas and deciding public transport improvements in the Île-de-France
Each year IdFM is host to a large number of foreign delegations.
In 2018, the STIF hosted 1 delegations from all over the world and was thus able to share its model of governance, organisation, competencies, missions and know-how.
Along with the elected representatives, passenger associations, and transport operators, IdFM is responsible for suggesting public transport improvements and investments in the Île-de-France. It undertakes studies, and plans whatever adaptations are required, in order to fulfil passenger expectations and ensure territorial fairness. The final decisions are then taken by the 29 elected representatives on the Board and implemented by the various transport operators.
Entrusting the implementation of the decisions to the transport operators
IdFM delegates the operation of the networks to the transport operators and lays out objectives with regard to:
- the level of service expected: number of metros, trams, buses, trains or RER per hour, for each line…
- the quality of the transport services: frequency, traffic information, accessibility for people with reduced mobility, cleanliness…
- the timetable for implementation and the corresponding funding.
These requirements are formalised by contracts agreed with transport operators – RATP, SNCF and private companies grouped together around OPTILE (which includes major transport groups and a number of independent companies). The companies remain responsible for their budget, managing their personnel and implementing decisions.
Listening to passengers and Île-de-France residents
Passengers are at the heart of the IdFM’s concerns. Via its Board, which consists of elected representatives in regular contact with their fellow citizens, IdFM develops close relations with all those living in the Île-de-France.
Moreover, the public debates and consultations organised by IdFM mean that it is able to put forward projects to meet passenger needs of the Île-de-France residents. These debates constitute important opportunities for informing and consulting the public.
Finally, IdFM organizes meetings with passenger associations and elected representatives (line committees, feedback on how difficult situations are managed) in order to monitor passenger experiences and expectations, line by line.
The “Line Witnesses” system, in partnership with the Association of Transport Users in the Île-de-France and the RATP – is a further opportunity for passengers to provide feedback (a panel of 750 people) on what happens on the public transport networks.
Extending and modernising the public transport network
IdFM is responsible for managing the overall project and approving each stage – feasibility studies, public inquiries, co-ordination, project management, completion of the work, balancing the budget, and commissioning.
After a long period of under-investment, an ambitious policy has been implemented by the STIF/IdFM since 2006 so as to upgrade and develop the networks:
- specific investment budget to enhance and upgrade the network with priority given to rolling stock: €2bn invested directly since 2006. Estimation of needs: almost €9bn by 2025.
- simultaneously, investments have increased to improve the quality of service : almost €400m already financed since 2006 and almost €1.7bn to be achieved by 2025.
IdFM has been developing and implementing a Clean Buses Scheme with the following objectives:
- speeding up the renewal of the most polluting buses and development of ‘green’ buses
- defining scenarios that contribute to reduce the levels of pollutants rapidly (transition stage with hybrid buses and target to reach with full-electric buses by 2020-2025)
- carrying out testing on the modes of the future: hybrid CNG, plug-in hybrid, full electric, hydrogen…
- from 2014 onwards: purchase of hybrid buses only and development of CNG buses
- progressive renewal of a 9,000 bus fleet in Ile-de-France
As far as the New Greater Paris is concerned, that major project is twofold:
1) The mobilisation plan is made of around 60 projects for which IdFM manages studies, defines the nature of the service and organises consultations in coordination with the State / Departments / Communities. The estimated cost is €15.5bn by 2030, including €6bn by 2017 (RER E to the West, extension of lines 4, 11, 12 and 14, tram-trains, trams, T Zen, etc.)
2) The Greater Paris Express will be an automatic underground around Paris (extension of line 14 and future lines 15, 16, 17 and 18) representing 205 km of lines and 65 new stations by 2030. The objective cost will be approximately €35bn. The public body in charge of that project is “Société du Grand Paris (SGP)” which is the project owner. For its part, IdFM has to approve the different steps of the ‘Grand Paris Express’ project.