
Regionální Organizátor Pražské Integrované Dopravy
Rytirská 10
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
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Basic information
Name of the public transport authority: ROPID – Regional Organiser of Prague Integrated Transport
Name of the PTA in local language: ROPID – Regionální organizátor Pražské integrované dopravy
Other public transport trademarks: PID – Prague Integrated Transport
Geographical area: Whole area of the city of Prague and the Central Bohemian Region and also some parts of other neighbouring regions
Inhabitants in the PTA area: 3.2 million
Ticketing: ROPID sets the tariff and ticketing system but does not sell tickets nor provide ticket inspection.
Procurement: ROPID is responsible for making contracts with operators on behalf of the City of Prague.
Rolling stock and depot ownership: Rolling stock and depots are owned and maintained by the operators.
Public transport planning: ROPID is responsible for route planning and even the planning of timetables. In the case of the municipal public transport operator in the city of Prague, the responsibility of timetable planning is shared between the operator and ROPID.
Development of mobility policy / Transport system planning: ROPID is responsible for long-term planning, also for the SUMP (Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan). ROPID is cooperating in urban planning and road planning with other municipal companies. ROPID also provides a database and apps for overall mobility in Prague and enables cooperation between public transport and other mobility modes, such as bike sharing.
Marketing of public transport: ROPID is responsible for marketing for the whole PID (Prague Integrated Transport) system, as well as for overall sustainable mobility in Prague.
Passenger information: ROPID provides the database and distribute information via operators, third parties and open data. ROPID offers the official PTA app in Prague, as well as an open data platform and information on current services. ROPID is also responsible for the whole information and navigation system for all sustainable mobility, including pedestrians.
Organisational model
Municipal department
ROPID is completely owned by the City of Prague. To ensure the entire PID system works, there is also ROPID’s sister company IDSK, which is owned by the Central Bohemian Region. ROPID and IDSK cooperate and share competences and responsibilities for the whole PID system.
Transport service contracting
Procured by the PTA: urban buses, regional buses within the PTA, metro, commuter trains, regional trains, trams
Not procured by the PTA, but most/all services accept PTA tickets: regional buses stretching outside the PTA
Other modes of public transport: ferries, funicular
Current developments
As of 2024:
- New rail infrastructure (metro, trams, trains)
- On-demand transport
- AI implementation
- New navigation and information system
- New mobility modes integrated in the system
- New paperless ticketing system