Prague : Public transport networks

Public Transport System

The integrated system based in:

  • Unified regional transport system based on the preference
    of the spine rail transport (railways, Metro, trams).
  • Possibility of combined way of transport by a personal car
    and by public transport means realised through the Parking
    & Ride parking facilities.
  • Unified change tariff system enabling to make a ride by usingn a single ticket with the necessary changes,
  • Creation of conditions for market and competitive environment on the transport market.

Tram, metro and the most part of the bus services are provided by Dopravni Podnik Hlavniho Města Prahy (Prague Public Transit Co.), a municipally owned corporation. Suburban services run under State Railway (Ceske Drahy) and usually private bus and ferry operators.

Metro Bus TramFerrySuburban BusSuburban Rail
Management Body100% Municipally owned
(Dopravni Podnik hl.m. Prahy a.s.)
2 operators16 operators100% State owned company (Cesk Drahy a.s.)
AddressSokolovsk 217/47 Praha 9Nábřeží Ludvíka Svobody 1222
Praha 1
Managing DirectorIng. Jaroslav ĎurišPavel Krtek, M.Sc.

Supply/Demand data 2015

 MetroUrban BusSuburban BusSuburban RailTram
Network length (km)668103.760655142
Number of lines31491613630
Number of stops/stations612.7353.160230273
Number of vehicles1451.395649170920
Places-km (millions/year)10.1025.1042.1441.2635.488
Number of operators181221
Number of trips (million)1.336 in all transport mode

Maps of transport facilities in Prague

Interactive map of transport in PragueMetro lines in Prague
General map of the daily rail network

Currents Developments and Projects

Metro line “A” extension

  • 4 new stations in the West Prague area (Borislavka, Veleslavin, Petriny, and Motol)
  • Expected to open in 2014.
  • Better services for the Western part of Prague, and better connections to Prague Airport.

Tram Network

  • Project to lay new tram tracks to replace existing main bus routes, connecting highly populated areas in the suburbs of Prague.
  • New tram tracks in Slivenec, Dedina, Jizni Mesto, Bohnice and Pankrac areas.
  • Step by step opening expected from, 2018-2025.

Railway connection to Prague Airport

  • Reconstruction, electrification, and larger capacity of local rail tracks between Prague and Kladno (largest city close to Prague) with new branch to Prague Airport. (At the moment there is only bus links to the Airport)
  • 1st Phase: Airport – Metro “A” station Veleslavin (2022)
  • 2nd Phase: Metro “A” station Veleslavin – Prague centre (2025)

Unified Transport System for Prague and the middle Bohemian region

  • General project for the connection of Prague to Middle Bohemia using a unified public transport system, with one fare, one co-ordinator and one timetable.
  • Prague and Middle Bohemia have a combined population of 2.5 million, with Prague as the natural centre.
  • Dependent on political agreement between the two local governing authorities, including technical and economic harmonisation.