
Region Stockholm
100 Lindhagensgatan
SE-105 73 Stockholm

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Basic information

Name of the public transport authority: Transport Administration

Name of the PTA in local language: Trafikförvaltning

Public transport trademarks: Storstockholms lokaltrafik, SL (all land public transport), Waxholmsbolaget (all sea traffic), Färdtjänst (mobility service), Spårvägsmuseet (museum)

Geographical area: Region Stockholm consists of 26 municipalities. PTA has a regional responsibility to provide public transport within the region and all 26 municipalities.

Inhabitants in the PTA area: 2.5 million


Ticketing: PTA is responsible for ticketing and the infrastructure (system, check-in equipment, app etc.) and ticket inspections. Ticket pricing is decided by the Region Stockholm Assembly.


PTA’s responsibilities are procurement by tender regarding

  • 1) All traffic (commuter trains, light railway, trams, metro, buses, sea traffic (30 % of the ships are owned and operated by PTA recources), mobility service
  • 2) Maintenance of metro, stations, depots
  • 3) All rolling stock with exception of the buses which are included in the operating contracts.

Rolling stock and depot ownership:

PTA has ownership of all PT infrastructure

For different modes of transport, PTA owns the following:

  • Metro: rolling stock, stations, tracks, depots
  • Commuter trains: rolling stock, stations
  • Bus: depots, terminals, bus stops; buses are owned by bus operators
  • Trams: rolling stock, track
  • Light rail: stations, depots, rolling stock and tracks
  • Ferries: ships and terminals

Public transport planning: PTA is responsible for overall planning of all services. Timetables are an annual responsibility of the operators, however.

Development of mobility policy / Transport system planning: PTA is responsible for long term planning of public transport until 2050. Region Stockholm is responsible for the regional planning until 2050 (regional development in close cooperation with the PTA). Roads are owned by the municipalities and the government, however.

Marketing of public transport: PTA is responsible for marketing. Operators are responsible for their local marketing in cooperation with the PTA and within the PTAs brand.

Passenger information:

PTA is responsible for passenger information within the SL app. Operators provide data to the PTA. Operators are responsible for information when disturbances occur and for information at stations and within their transport.

Organisational model

Metropolitan/regional department

  • PTA is managed by Region Stockholm. The companies; SL and Waxholmsbolaget are owned by Region Stockholm.
  • The Traffic board (consisting of politicians) manage the PTA. Regional Assembly manage the Traffic board.

Transport service contracting

Procured by the PTA: urban buses, regional buses within the PTA, regional buses stretching outside of the PTA, metro, commuter trains, regional trains, trams, light rail, ferries, mobility service

Current developments

As of 2024:

  • Extension of the metro system
  • New tram line south of Stockholm
  • Extension of an existing light rail to Stockholm central
  • New ferry lines and electrification of ferries
  • Extension of tram line NW of Stockholm
  • New bus terminal in the centre of Stockholm
  • Electrification of 2,200 buses and depots
  • New metro line
  • Extension of tram line east of Stockholm
  • New rolling stock for the metro, light rail