Stockholm : Responsible authorities

Lindhagensgatan 100 – S- 10573 Stockholm – Sweden
Tel : 46 8 686 14 30 – Fax : 46 8 686 15 03
– Responsible person : Mr David Lagneholm, Director
– Date of creation : 1967
– Status : Public Transport Authority owned by the Stockholm County Council
The County Council owns AB Storstockholms Lokaltrafik, and it is the County
Council Assembly that appoints the members of SLʼs Board of Directors
and the members of the Transport Committee, a new political body.
Since 1 January 2011, the Transport Committee has been responsible
for public transport on land, at sea and for people with disabilities. The
Committee is responsible for the County Councilʼs transport planning and
for drawing up proposals for the Transport Provision Plan. The Committee
also has overall responsibility for planning and procuring transport
services and monitoring operations.
SL is responsible for the Transport Committeeʼs decisions being implemented
within the framework of SLʼs operational areas. SLʼs Board of Directors
consists of politicians elected by the County Council Assembly and
employee representatives.
Based on its ownersʼ requirements and its stakeholdersʼ
expectations, SL shall propose and implement regional public transport
solutions that make commuting easier and simplify everyday life for
everyone in the Stockholm region. SL has overall responsibility for
ensuring that everyone who lives in or visits Stockholm County has
access to extensive, easily accessible and reliable public transport.
Overall objectives:
- Attractive public transport
- Economic efficiency
Budget 2012 (million SEK)
Operating income 1 655 Million €
Traffic operating expenses 1 673 Million €
Tax funding ratio, % 49,1 %
Investments 492 Million €