
Verband Region Stuttgart
Kronenstraβe 25
D-70174 Stuttgart

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Basic information

Name of the public transport authority: Verband Region Stuttgart (VRS)

Geographical area: Rural districts of Böblingen, Esslingen, Göppingen, Ludwigsburg and Rems-Murr and the state capital Stuttgart

Inhabitants in the PTA area: 2.8 million



VRS is responsible for ticket inspections in the regional buses on a voluntary base.


VRS is responsible for the procurement of the commuter rail vehicles (co-financing)

Rolling stock and depot ownership:

The operators own the rolling stock and the depots as well (commuter rail and express buses)

Public transport planning:

On commuter rail and express buses, VRS is responsible for planning:

  • the service level
  • routes
  • timetables

In general, VRS is responsible for the regional transport plan.

Development of mobility policy / Transport system planning:

Verband Region Stuttgart is responsible for longer-term planning and expansion of the commuter rail and express buses. We are also responsible for regional planning in general, such as:

  • regional transport management
  • sustainable regional mobility plan
  • landscape framework
  • regional business development and tourism marketing

Marketing of public transport:

VRS is responsible for marketing the commuter rail together with the operator. As for the express buses, marketing is the sole responsibility of VRS.

Passenger information:

Responsibility for passenger information lies within the traffic integration association (VVS) and the operators.

Organisational model

Metropolitan/regional department

The Stuttgart Region was established in 1994 as a public law corporation following legislation adopted by the federal state of Baden-Württemberg. The decision making body of VRS is the Regional assembly with its 88 members, elected by the residents of Stuttgart Region.

Transport service contracting

Procured by the PTA: express buses, commuter trains

Not procured by the PTA, but most/all services accept PTA tickets: urban buses, regional buses within the PTA that are not express buses, regional buses stretching outside of the PTA, regional trains, light rail

Current developments

As of 2024:

  • Developing the Stuttgart digital node (DKS / S21) – the first digitally controlled rail node
  • ETCS (European Train Control System) on all commuter rail tracks in the region
  • ATO – automatic train operation for the commuter rail
  • various expansions of the commuter rail network and also express bus lines

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