Stuttgart : Financing/Pricing data
Fares 2015
Within the VVS integrated transport network, passenger fares depend on the number of zones travelled. All tickets are multimodal and permit interchanges between metropolitan light rails, general railways, suburban railways, and bus services.
Single ticket | EUR 2.30 (1 zone) – EUR 8.30 (7 zones) |
4-journey ticket | EUR 8.70 – EUR 31.40 |
Weekly passes | EUR 21.00 – EUR 71.00 |
Monthly passes | EUR 62,50 – EUR 210.00 |
Year passes | EUR 625 – EUR 2.100 |
Children between the ages of 6 and 14 receive a 40-50% reduction on the price of all tickets, while students can get a six months ticket for EUR 199. When purchasing single tickets by mobile phone, customers get a reduced fare. Reductions are also available for e.g. companies, trainees and handicapped people.
For passengers using the monthly pass, the mobility guarantee covers taxi costs up to 50 € in case of any delay of more than 30 minutes or if the customer’s destination is unreachable by public transport.
The new polygoCard will offer public transportation customers even more flexibility and convenience. The polygoCard, together with the polygo website, will provide easy access to several additional services.
Replacing the former monthly pass, the polygoCard is the key access for Public transport, with all the relevant ticket data being stored on the chip card. Furthermore, car- and bike sharing-offers, as well as their charging stations can be used easily. Last but not least, the polygoCard can be used as a credit card for all kind of payments with more functions to be added in the future.
On the website, customers are able to access new information and manage their ticket.
Financing regional bus services
The Verband Region Stuttgart is responsible for financing the integration of all regional bus services into the Stuttgart transport and tariff network (VVS). Due to European law (EU regulation 1370/2007) the Verband Region Stuttgart enacted a general rule which replaced around 40 individual contracts between the Verband, regional bus companies, and the local counties.
Current developments and projects
1.) Implemented projects
The extension of the S1 line via Plochingen to Kirchheim began operating in late 2009. With an additional five stations, this new section of the line has seen the number of passengers rise by more than 2,000 per day. The new tangential lines Böblingen – Renningen (S60) and Marbach – Backnang (S4) have been in operation since December 2012.
2.) Further projects – extension of existing lines
Further projects to expand the suburban railway network are in the pipeline. The necessary legislative documents for the extension of the S2 to Neuhausen via Filderstadt will be completed up to summer 2016. If everything continues according to plan, the new line will begin operation in 2021. The costs for this four kilometer long extension, including two new stations, are about 125 Million Euro. The project will be co-financed by the Federal Republic of Germany, the State of Baden-Württemberg, Esslingen County, the cities of Filderstadt and Neuhausen, as well as the Verband Region Stuttgart.
3.) Stuttgart 21
Together with the new high-speed line from Wendlingen to Ulm, the renewal of the Stuttgart railway hub (known as Stuttgart 21), forms the overall railway project Stuttgart-Ulm which is part of the TEN-network. Both projects are cornerstones of an attractive railway system for the future, resulting in the reduction of travel times within Germany and Europe. For example, the travel time between Stuttgart and Ulm will be reduced from 54 to 28 minutes. In addition, a new main-station and a new station at the Stuttgart airport will set a new standard for interconnection and intermodality.
4.) Regional express bus services “RELEX”:
Stuttgart is known for being one of Europe’s “capitals of traffic jams.” Since the tram services and the suburban train services are limited by infrastructure capacities, the Verband Region Stuttgart will be establishing an express bus service in 2016. These bus lines are designed to provide fast and direct connections between the different parts of the Stuttgart suburban train system. They are the result of an agreement signed by the Verband Region Stuttgart, the federal State of Baden-Württemberg, the city of Stuttgart, and the local counties participating in the Stuttgart transport and tariff network and are thus fully integrated into the VVS. These three express bus lines will start up in 2016:
- Leonberg – Stuttgart airport & trade fair center
- Kirchheim/Teck – Stuttgart airport & trade fair center
- Waiblingen – Esslingen

Regional express bus network in the Stuttgart region with possible extensions (source: Verband Region Stuttgart)