Turin : Responsible authorities

Agenzia Mobilita Piemontese
Corso Guglielmo Marconi 10
I-10125 Torino


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Agenzia Mobilità Piemontese

Corso Marconi 10 – 10125 TORINO – Italia

Tel: 39 011 30 25 223 – Fax: 39 011 30 25 200

Responsible person: Mr Cesare Paonessa, General director

Status: Consortium of local and regional authorities

Personnel: 26 (December 2021)

2003 Metropolitan Mobility Authority of Turin (AMMT)
2015 Piedmont Mobility Authority (AMP)



The Assembly is composed of the representatives of the 62 member bodies in the person of the Mayor, the President or their delegate.

The Assembly is a permanent body not subject to renewal for deadlines, but only to replace the members due to change in the ownership of the office.
The Assembly is chaired by the Regional Public Transport Councilor.

The Board is made up of 5 members:

1 President proposed by agreement between the President of the Regional Council and the Mayor of the Metropolitan City of Turin and the City of Turin and is elected by the Assembly;

1 representative for each of the four districts into which the Piedmont Region has divided the regional territory:

  • Metropolitan district (Metropolitan City of Turin)
  • Northeastern district (Provinces of Biella, Novara, Verbano Cusio Ossola and Vercelli)
  • Southern district (Province of Cuneo)
  • Southeastern district (Provinces of Alessandria and Asti)

The Board remains in office for three years from the appointment. The representatives remain in office until the election of the new ones.

Districts’ Assemblies

Each one of the four Districts’ Assemblies is composed of the representatives of the member bodies belonging to the respective district.

Each district assembly appoints his own President who is also representative of his district in the board.

Opérationnal structure



The Agency has the objective to foster the sustainable mobility of Torino metropolitan area, optimizing the public transport services by:

-planning the mobility strategies

-programming the development of public transport’s:

  • infrastructures, vehicles and control technologies
  • service quantity and quality
  • resources for the operation and investments


  • the fare system
  • the contributions of the associated Local Authorities
  • the contracts with the Transport Companies in charge of mobility services
  • the communication and information to the citizens

-employing within a unique institutional brand all the resources in an integrated frame of management, fares, and image of the transport system.

Budget 2020

  • Expenses : 599.54 millions €
  • Revenues : 602.14 millions €
  • Net income : 2.60 million €
  • Extraordinary income and expenses: – 2.1 millions €
  • Taxes: 0.08 millions €
  • Result of the financial exercise: 0.338 millions €