
Autoritat de Transport de Valencia
Autoridad de Transporte Metropolitano de Valencia
Plaza Tetuán, número 10, 1ª
46003 Valencia
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Basic information
Name of the public transport authority: Valencia Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATMV)
Name of the PTA in local language: Autoritat de Transport Metropolità de Valéncia (ATMV)
Geographical area: The area of ATMV includes the 60 municipalities that make up the Valencia Metropolitan Transport Area
Inhabitants in the PTA area: 1.9 million
Ticketing: ATMV is responsible for the issuing and sale of integrated transportation tickets, which allow the user to travel with the same card through the Metropolitan Area using all the different transportation operators. Regarding the inspection, ATMV is only responsible for the ticket inspection for the operator that it manages directly, MetroBus.
Procurement: The subscription and control of public service contracts for interurban passenger transport within the scope of the metropolitan transport area of Valencia, as well as the urban public transport services of the municipalities of the area, which the city councils of the municipalities have expressly delegated to ATMV.
Rolling stock and depot ownership: Operators own the rolling stock and depots in all modes of transport.
Public transport planning: ATMV is responsible for the planning of infrastructure for public transport and the planning of public transport networks and services, including the preparation of metropolitan sustainable mobility plans for its territorial scope, as well as the monitoring, control and evaluation.
Development of mobility policy / Transport system planning: ATMV is responsible for the preparation of the metropolitan sustainable mobility plans for its territorial scope.
Marketing of public transport: ATMV can carry out functions that are related to marketing.
Passenger information: ATMV can carry out functions that are related to the information given to users and the quality of services. The vast majority of the stops of the different operators have information displays. ATMV is also currently developing an app for journey planning and information.
Organisational model
Metropolitan/regional department
The Autoritat de Transport Metropolità de València is an autonomous body of the Generalitat. It is attached to the department responsible for transport, created by virtue of article 90 of Law 13/2016, of December 29, on fiscal measures, administrative management and financial and organisational responsibility of the Generalitat. The Generalitat and the municipalities that make up the metropolitan transport area of Valencia have delegated the matters of urban public transport to ATMV.
Transport service contracting
Procured by the PTA: regional buses within the PTA
Not procured by the PTA, but most/all services accept PTA tickets: urban buses, metro, commuter trains, regional trains, trams
Current developments
As of 2024:
- Comprehensive renewal of intercity transportation services:
- Expansion and renewal of the fleet of electric buses wherever distance allows
- Improved transportation service frequency
- Implementation of an SAE that will allow geopositioning on board buses
- Total renovation of bus stops and their street furniture
- Installation of screens with dynamic real-time passenger information on bus shelters and pylons at stops
- Development of an app with a trip planner
- Expansion of the territorial scope of the Valencia metropolitan transport area
- Extension of the tariff integration policy to other metropolitan areas or territorial areas