Valencia : Public transport networks

The public transport network is composed by urban buses, intercity buses, metro and tram and suburban trains:

  • EMT urban bus in the capital city Valencia : 59 lines and 480 buses.
  • Other urban buses: the municipalities of more than 50.000 inhabitants as Torrent, Sagunt and Paterna have urban bus networks. Moreover, other municipalities have decided to offer an additional urban service.
  • Intercity buses-Metrobus: 43 lines and 92 buses
  • Metro and tram: 9 lines of which 3 lines are tram with 156.4 km of network and 137 stations and halls served by 108 trains and trams
  • Suburban train (Cercanías Renfe): 6 lines, 339.0 km in length and 66 stations, with 144 cars that make up 45 trains.

Development projects

Regarding mobility in the Metropolitan Area, these main challenges have been identified:

  • ATVM must preserve the healthy mobility pattern that they have, thanks to the compact and dense urban structure of the cities and villages. The majority of the trips are made on foot (and lately by bike) and ATVM need to protect and enhance this form of mobility.
  • On longer distances, the challenge is to obtain a more sustainable modal split towards public transport:
  1. The public transport network needs some redesign and rethinking, to make
    it more efficient, especially the metropolitan bus network.
  2. There are still some mobility vectors that are not served by a mass public
    transport option, which makes car usage an unbeatable option to travel.
  • Proper parking management at destination is another key element to be taken into account. Easiness of parking and access to the city by car is a burden to enhance public transport share across the Metropolitan Area.
  • A more comprehensive, tailored tariff system is required to boost intermodality and increase public transport usage
  • Information provided to passengers must be unified and notably increased.
  • On the long term, changes in demography (elderly people), new shared mobility schemes and the irruption of new technologies must be taken into account at earlier stages.

To overcome all these challenges, the consolidation of the new Metropolitan Transport Authority is essential.