Warsaw : Public transport networks

Public Transport System :

Warsaw’s PT network is based on numerous bus and tram routes, which enable direct connection between the most frequented places in the city. There is 2 metro lines.

General maps of the network :

Rail transport network (tram+metro+railway) Suburban lines
Regional railway network

Presentation of operating companies :

In the Warsaws public transport network there are many bus operators. The largest one is a municipal company, it produces 70% of the bus services. The rest of the production is made by two types of operators: major private companies, which were awarded in competitive tendering procedure with an 8 or 10 year contract (according to bus type) and minor private companies, awarded with small contracts for a year or few months on suburban lines via tendering as well.

The tram operator is municipally owned, just like the metro company. Besides PT services, they both have to maintain and modernize the infrastructure. Building of new tracks is partly in their competence.

Since 2005 there is a local railway company, owned by the City of Warsaw. It operates on the most crowded railway track with 32 trains.

ZTM has signed contracts with the largest regional railway company, which has its own fare system (regional railways are in competence of the regional government). According to the contract, the railway company accept the tickets of ZTM.

  Urban + Suburban buses   Tramways   Metro   Heavy rail
Nb of lines 190+71   27   2   4
Network lenght (km) 3899 +714,8   390   29   146
nb of stops/stations 5336   518 + 15 tram/bus   28   47
nb of vehicles 1659   424   45   32
Nb of Operators 12   1   1   1