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Board and Secretariat
The President & the Board EMTA is controlled by a board elected by members at general meetings for a 2-year renewable term. The current board, elected 26 October 2023, is as follows: Other members of the Board The Team of the Secretariat EMTA is organised on a voluntary basis into working groups on subjects decided

EMTA Barometer 2024 is released
Public transport ridership figures remain below 2019 in most European metropolitan areas. Consequently, the financial situation of the public transport authorities is strained. These are some of the findings from the 17th edition of the EMTA Barometer, released on 19 June 2024 by the European Public Transport Authorities (EMTA). EMTA Barometer combines public transport statistics

Thomas Geier starts work as new Secretary General of EMTA
Thomas Geier has taken on the role of the secretary general of EMTA on 1 February 2025. Having worked with EMTA continuously since 2018, most recently as Policy Advisor, he is a long-standing and well-respected member of the association. “It is a great honour to serve the EMTA community as Secretary General. EMTA has a

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Kraków unveils modernised public transport with new buses and rebranding
Kraków’s public transport system has undergone a major transformation with the launch of a new bus service contract and the introduction of a refreshed visual identity. 151 new buses hit the streets by early 2025 On 19 October 2024 Kraków’s streets welcomed the first batch of 89 buses under a new contract with Mobilis. By

Basic information Name of the public transport authority: Public Transport Authority in Kraków (ZTP) Name of the PTA in local language: Zarząd Transportu Publicznego w Krakowie (ZTP) Geographical area: ZTP is responsible for organising, supervising and conducting all matters related to public transport within the territory of the Municipality of Kraków and 19 neighbouring municipalities

Porto: 9 to 11 October 2024
The 52nd General Meeting of EMTA was organised in Porto, Portugal on 9-11 October 2024. Thank you to everyone who attended, and even if you couldn’t, you can find photos and all the presentations from the event here. The agenda focused on EU affairs and procuring public transport services through tenders and contracts. Summary record

2024 – Identification of public transport stops – TPBI (Bucharest)
TPBI of Bucharest is seeking your responses to an internal survey via an online form (below also as pdf). As the transport authority in the Bucharest-Ilfov region of Romania, TPBI is looking to introduce a new, passenger-oriented, stop identification system, which can facilitate wayfinding.

How to circulate an internal survey?
Procedure for the circulation of EMTA internal surveys – updated 31/10/2023 [pdf]

Transport contracts high on the agenda at the EMTA General Meeting
The 52nd General Meeting of EMTA concluded in Porto on Friday 11 October 2024. The agenda focused on EU affairs and procuring public transport services through tenders and contracts. The meeting was hosted by the Metropolitan Area of Porto (AMP), the Porto region’s public transport authority. EMTA’s next General Meeting will be organised in May