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  • 24 January 2006
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PRESENTACIÓN DE LA ASOCIACIÓN EMTA congrega a 25 autoridades responsables del transporte público de las principales áreas metropolitanas europeas, en las que 85 millones de personas viven, trabajan y disfrutan de su tiempo libre. ¿Cuál es nuestro objetivo? Mejorar la gestión de la movilidad y la calidad de los servicios de transporte público en el

  • 24 January 2006
  • Other languages


PRESENTATION DE L’ASSOCIATION L’EMTA réunit 25 autorités responsables de l’organisation du transport public dans les principales villes d’Europe dans lesquelles 85 millions de nos concitoyens habitent, travaillent et réalisent leurs activités Quel est notre objectif ? Améliorer la gestion de la mobilité urbaine, la qualité des services de transports publics et l’environnement urbain dans nos

  • 16 January 2006
  • News

EU Commission has launched the mid-term review of its transport policy

The European Commission will carry out over the coming months the mid-term review of the White Paper on “the European transport policy for 2010”, that has been adopted in 2001. The objective of the mid-term review is to assess the impact of measures that have been proposed to: – rebalance transport modes – reduce congestion

  • 13 January 2006
  • Working group on land use

Working group on land use and funding of public transport

Meetings – London, 4 February 2005 – Agenda :: Record of Decisions – Paris, 23 March 2004 – Record of Decisions – Paris, 14 October 2003 – Record of Decisions – Madrid, 7 May 2003 – Record of Decisions – London, 5 December 2002 – Record of Decisions Land value capture study – Executive summary

  • 7 January 2006
  • News

Britain moves one step closer towards road charging

Transport secretary Alistair Darling said at the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) conference that congestion on roads in cities was one of the biggest threats to economic expansion and local economies in the next 10 to 15 years. CBI estimates the impact of congested road an rail holp-ups at €29 billion a year. Convinced that

  • 7 January 2006
  • News

London helps businesses changing their mobility habits

TfL is launching three new schemes to assist businesses in providing facilities for staff who want to reduce their dependency on private cars. Under the new schemes, if companies draw up workplace travel plans which lay out how they will encourage and help their staff to use sustainable transport – like cycling, walking or public

  • 7 January 2006
  • News

Employer-subsidised commuter tickets introduced in the Helsinki metropolitan area

New employer-subsidised commuter tickets have been introduced in the Helsinki metropolitan area at the beginning of 2006. The goal of the new ticket system is to increase public transport attractiveness. Employers decide individually whether they acquire the ticket to their employees or not. Employers can also decide the level of the subsidy but they have

  • 7 January 2006
  • News

Keolis wins Kent rail franchise contract, First group wins Thames-link/Great Northern franchise

UK Department for Transport announced in November several franchise contracts awarding for regional trains. – The Integrated Kent franchise (IKF) has been awarded to Govia, common subsidy of Keolis and Go Ahead as of 1 April 2006. The IKF will include routes on the national rail network currently operated by South Eastern Trains throughout Kent,

  • 1 January 2006
  • News

Hannover Mobile turns public transport into a full mobility service provider

The Greater Hannover Transport Association (GVH) manages mobility issues of a 1.1 million inhabitant metropolitan area through an integrated system. It offers a wide range of public transport services provided by four different companies: urban bus, tram, suburban bus, regional trains, and local rapid transit. However, this level of integration and this range of services

  • 7 December 2005
  • Presentation

Purpose of EMTA

EMTA is a non-profit seeking association. Its purpose is to form a venue for meetings and exchange of information, research and experience between Authorities in charge of metropolitan transport of the main European cities. The emphasis is put on the technical character of the exchange and on a multimodal approach, covering aspects of an institutional,

EMTA Members