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Keolis wins Kent rail franchise contract, First group wins Thames-link/Great Northern franchise
UK Department for Transport announced in November several franchise contracts awarding for regional trains. – The Integrated Kent franchise (IKF) has been awarded to Govia, common subsidy of Keolis and Go Ahead as of 1 April 2006. The IKF will include routes on the national rail network currently operated by South Eastern Trains throughout Kent,

Hannover Mobile turns public transport into a full mobility service provider
The Greater Hannover Transport Association (GVH) manages mobility issues of a 1.1 million inhabitant metropolitan area through an integrated system. It offers a wide range of public transport services provided by four different companies: urban bus, tram, suburban bus, regional trains, and local rapid transit. However, this level of integration and this range of services

Purpose of EMTA
EMTA is a non-profit seeking association. Its purpose is to form a venue for meetings and exchange of information, research and experience between Authorities in charge of metropolitan transport of the main European cities. The emphasis is put on the technical character of the exchange and on a multimodal approach, covering aspects of an institutional,

Responsible authorities
Zürcher Verkehrsverbund (ZVV) Hofwiesenstrasse, 370 – 8090 Zurich – Switzerland Tel : 41 43 288 48 48 – Fax : 41 43 288 48 40 – Responsible person : Mr franz Kagerbauer, Director – Date of creation : 1990 – Status : Governmental Institution incorporated under Public Law – Personnel : 34 Organization ZVV

Responsible authorities
Office des Transports et de la Circulation 20, rue du Stand – 1204 Genève – Suisse Tél : 41 22 327 47 70 – Fax : 41 22 327 51 33 – Responsible person : Mr Jean-Luc Gindre – Status : Administrative Department Organization OTC collaborates with the organizing authorities of regional public transport.

Responsible authorities
Comune di Roma – Politiche Mobilità e Trasporti Via Capitan Bavastro 94 – 00 154 Roma – Italia Tel : 39 06 67 10 32 36 – Fax : 39 06 67 10 37 37 – Responsible person : Walter Tocci, Deputy Major in charge of mobility – Date of creation : 1996 –

One step forward for the third railway package
EU Commission has adopted the thrid railway package on 3rd March 2004. It contains measures to revitalise the European railways. The package consists of a Communication, four legislative measures and a working document on an extended impact assessment for the gradual opening up of the market for international passenger services. One of the legislative measures

EU Parliament supports road safety targets
Ari Vatanen, member of the European Parliament presented a report on road safety in Europe, which points out that improvements in road safety come from a combination of safer drivers, safer cars and safer roads. According the European Commission’s Community Road Accident Database (CARE) 40,000 lives are lost and 1.7 million people are injured in

Rail services improvements foreseen in Switzerland
Swiss Federal Railways (SBB-CFF-FFS) are currently working on the strategic planning of rail services for 2030: the Zukünftige Entwicklung der Bahnprojekte (ZEB). Concrete measures will be announced in 2006, as required by the Parliament. However, general guidelines of service improvements have been exposed in September. The scope covers all types of rail services: freight, long

Stockholm about to experiment congestion charging
The Municipality of Stockholm will experiment a trial period for congestion charging for all private vehicles crossing the city border on weekdays. Car users will have to pay for each crossing with a maximal daily fee of about €6 per day and per car. The trial will take place from 3 January to 31 July