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  • 31 December 2004
  • News

New BEI funding agreement for urban transport in France

European Investment Bank, French Ministry of State for Transport and Caisse d’Epargne Group signed on September 23rd a protocol on public transport funding. This protocol, marking the installation of the Sustainable Urban Transport Program, consists in a €500 mio funding, intermediated by Caisse d’Epargne Group and dedicated to exclusive lanes projects about to be completed

  • 31 December 2004
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The Council of Ministers welcomes the Commission’s strategy on urban environment

During the Council Meeting on October 14th, European Ministers of Environment adopted several conclusions on the strategy proposed by the Commission (see EMTA News n° 16). The Council supports the four priority themes (management, transport, construction and urban design), stresses the need to address also strategic environmental issues to reduce cities’ impact on environment. As

  • 31 December 2004
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New European Commissioner for Transport

The new Commissioner for Transport, Mr Jacques Barrot (France) is replacing Ms Loyola de Palacio. Hearings of new commissioners by European MEP’s took place on September 29th in order to receive Parliament approval, initially expected on October 27th but postponed to November 18th. Mr Barrot exposed his priorities for the next five years: – Take

  • 9 December 2004
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Rome third metro line on the tracks

Rome has 2 projects of metro lines (C and D). The line C project consists in a 39 kilometers line with 42 stops, linking the north west (Tor di Quinto-Vigna Clara) and the south west (University Comprensorio of Tor Vergata) and also serving the historical city center. The first section of this line is about

  • 9 December 2004
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Greece steps up in public transport

– After the success of Olympics, Greek national government announced further extensions of Athens’ metro and the beginning of works for Thessaloniki’s metro. Athens’ metro is a 135 km network serving 45 stations, recently extended thanks to the games, which will grow by 23 kilometers – 12 stations by 2009 and by 20,8 more kilometers

  • 9 December 2004
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Transport for London evaluates impacts of Jubilee Line Extension (JLE)

The findings are described in a report prepared by the Transport Studies Group of the University of Westminster for TfL and the Department for Transport. The JLE has been initiated in order to improve the accessibility of the Docklands area and to overcome the capacity limits of the Docklands Light Railway (DLR). The line provides

  • 9 December 2004
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Manchester supports its Metrolink project

In July, the British Secretary of State for Transport announced that funding for a three-line expansion of Greater Manchester’s light rail network, Metrolink, was “not approved” due to rising costs. A major lobbying campaign was launched to get this decision reversed backed by Greater Manchester MPs and councillors, the business community, local people and the

  • 9 December 2004
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Public transport and car sharing synergies in Geneva

The public transport operating company in Geneva has found an innovative solution for a better use of its fleet: off peak hours, light vehicles are made available to customers of Mobility, a car sharing company independent from public transport operators, offering 24h services in the whole country. Fares agreements had been proposed in order to

  • 9 December 2004
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Rail reform in Belgium on January 2005

SNCB, the Belgian national rail company is about to be split on January 1st 2005 in order to comply with the European Directive 2001/12/CE (first rail package). The new structure which has been approved by the federal government in March will be constituted by SNCB-Holding which will own both Infrabel, in charge of rail infrastructure,

  • 9 December 2004
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Arriva expands in Germany and in Denmark

The British transport services company announced in September the 100% acquisition of Wulff Bus A/S for £10.3 million (€15.5 million). Wulff operates city and regional bus services in Jutland. (continental part of the country). Arriva, which also operates two rail franchises, has currently a 33% market share in the Jutland and a 40% market share

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