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  • 1 November 2001
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EMTA Workshop: “What public transport authorities for the European Metropolitan Areas?” (Barcelona – 8 November 2001)

This workshop, organised at the invitation of ATM, the public transport authority of the metropolitan area of Barcelona, will propose to analyse and compare the organisation, the missions and the financing of the public transport authorities of the European large cities. It will be based on presentations of the organisational schemes and current evolutions in

  • 1 September 2001
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Opinion of the European Economic and Social Committee on the project of European Regulation on public service requirements in passenger transport

The Committee released last May its opinion on the project of new Regulation prepared by the Commission. The Committee welcomes the Commission’s intention of introducing a market regime for public passenger transport based on controlled rather than full competition. It also approves the most important regulatory instruments proposed, such as the obligation for the competent

  • 1 September 2001
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CIVITAS Initiative: 14 cities rewarded by the European Commission

The European Commission revealed last July the names of the fourteen cities which will benefit from a grant of € 50 m under the CIVITAS Initiative to help them implement innovative and integrated actions for radical improvements of their urban transport. The following projects were highlighted by the Commission : company mobility plans and travel

  • 1 September 2001
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Revision of the European transport policy: decoupling of transport and economic growth, and rebalancing between the modes

The European Commission adopted last July the policy guidelines of the White Paper on transport policy, which will be formally adopted in September. The aim of the future common transport policy will be to decouple transport growth and economic growth, and to rebalance the modal shares towards more sustainability. The approach recommended is to support

  • 1 August 2000
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Draft European Regulation on public services in passenger transport (26 July 2000)

The European Commission adopted a draft regulation on public services in passenger transport, which aims to improve its performance and transparency through a controlled competition . The new framework shall harmonise key aspects of the competitive procedures developed in the different Member States and promote legal certainty about the rights and duties of operators and

  • 1 July 2000
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New EU co-ordinated research call on “Clean Urban Transport”

The European Commission (DG TREN) announced in July that, in line with the new strategy being developed on Clean Urban Transport, it will launch in December 2000 a ‘Co-ordinated Call on Clean Urban Transport’, supported by the Key Action Sustainable Mobility and Intermodality of the Growth Programme and, the Key Action Economic and Efficient Energy

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