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EMTA 50th general meeting – Barcelona, Spain
EMTA delegates will meet in Barcelona for the 50th general meeting of the association. As customary, the event will include CEO roundtables, topical presentations an debates, technical visits, internal affairs and social activities. It will be preceded by a board meeting.The meeting will be kindly hosted by ATM, the public transport authority for the Barcelona

Urban Mobility Days – Seville, Spain
Urban Mobility Days will bring together politicians, local authorities, industry, and urban transport practitioners with the European Commission to connect, share and discuss the path forward for a sustainable, innovative, and equitable future for Europe’s urban mobility. For more information, see: EMTA MEMBERS ON THE AGENDA “Transforming Urban Public Transport – a Global Perspective”

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Transport Innovation Summit – London, UK
Intelligent Transport’s flagship event taking place at the Millennium Gloucester Hotel in Kensington, London, UK. The agenda examine how innovation in ticketing & payments, DRT and MaaS is driving the next-stage of evolution in public transport. Expert speakers from public transport authorities, transit agencies and operators as well as leading solution providers from around the

Privacy & Cookie Policy
Privacy & Cookie Policy This website is operated and controlled by European Metropolitan Transport Authorities (EMTA) which remains the data controller and the responsible statutory body in relation to this brand. EMTA processes all data fairly and lawfully in line with the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Data Collection The personal information we collect is

EMTA Workshops (Prague May 2012) Resilience as an imperative in Public Transport – what role for Transport Authorities ? Transcript PSO Regulation 1370/2007 “Two years after enforcement, where are we? How efficient is the regulation? Are there necessity and ways for progress?“ Transcript EMTA-PIMMS Conference (Birmingham 9-10 November 2011) Keynote speeches CRTM Madrid/EMTA/UITP International Seminar

Reports, Briefs & Surveys
Towards Zero Emission Public Transport (December 2021) EMTA Brief January 2021: COVID-19 exit strategies for public transport authorities A perspective on MaaS from Europe’s Transport Authorities (June 2019) Innovative Funding Solutions for Public Transport (December 2017) This report was produced by Rebelgroup with the support of some EMTA members. Determining fare structures : Evidence and recommandations

2020 – Circularity in car sharing – VRA Amsterdam

2022 – Electricity savings in the context of the known energy crisis and forthcoming EU targets – SUMC Sofia

2022 – Website maintenance and SLA – ZTM Warsaw
Questionnaire & Synthesis