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2022 – The use and implementation of LED route – and/or destination signs in full colour – MOVIA Copenhagen
Questionnaire & Synthesis

2022 – Lasting impacts of COVID on travel habits and on the crisis response from public transport authorities – EMTA secretariat
Questionnaire & Synthesis Responses from the members

2023 – Night Services – Vervoerregio Amsterdam
How to design a network of night routes? How to make pricing and other strategic decisions? Bram Nieuwstraten at Vervoerregio Amsterdam conducted a set of 1-hour interviews with EMTA members.

2023 – Heavy mobility scooters on buses – ZTP (Krakow)
Due to their weight and size, transporting users of heavy mobility scooters on buses requires a very specific attention and has become an issue in Polish cities. Such scooters are used in particular by people with disabilities. Łukasz Franek at ZTP Krakow collected responses from EMTA members to the questions below: Due to their weight

2023 – Software solutions to monitor and manage bus and tram operations – ZTM (Warsaw)
ZTM Warsaw carefully reviewed earlier EMTA internal surveys related to software solutions (led by Belgrade and Vilnius) and proposes to complement earlier findings with specific questions. Marta Trzaskowska circulated a questionnaire and compiled responses that reveal a very diverse landscape across Europe.

Copenhagen: 3 to 5 november 2021
Draft record of decisions Documents for the meeting Documents presented during the meeting Pictures from the general meeting by courtesy of Lluis Alegre Next meetings planned

2023 – Modal split survey methods – JUDU (Vilnius)

Sofia transport authority joins the EMTA network
EMTA welcomes the Sofia Urban Mobility Centre (SUMC) as new member of the association. SUMC is procuring public transport services from 3 municipal and 2 private operators, offering the 1.5m inhabitants of Sofia the benefit of 4 metro lines, 14 tram lines, and over 100 bus/trolleybus lines. Public transport has a 40% mode share in

A new deal for SYTRAL in Lyon
In Lyon, the public transport authority SYTRAL is leading remarquable changes: a wider area of competence, now covering 3200 km² an expected new fare system to cover this wider territory, a more stable governance, at last, enshrined in the French law, a new approach to allotment in the tendering framework to stimulate competition. Read more

EMTA welcomes a new member: Athens Urban Transport Organization S.A. (OASA SA)
On 21 Oct 2022 at the Vienna General Meeting, OASA formally joined EMTA as a new member. AOSA is the public transport authority responsible for planning, coordinating, and financing the largest public transport system in Greece. With nearly 120 staff, OASA coordinates the service provision by its subsidiary companies, the two transport operators STASY S.A