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  • Event15 April 2010 to 16 April 2010
  • General Meetings

Budapest : 15-16 april 2010

Record of decision Transcript of the workshops Invitation BKSZ Invitation EMTA Practical informations Practical informations 2 Registration Form for the general meeting Registration for Hotels : Form to fill in – PDF (the map of hotels location is on the form !) Final agenda Updated 13th april Documents for the meeting Passenger rights : Press

  • Event11 November 2010 to 12 November 2010
  • General Meetings

Barcelona : 11-12 november 2010

Record of decisions Transcript RT1 : Contracting suburban heavy rail services Transcript RT2 : Focussing on the quality for the passengers, an EU-wide objective Invitation letter by ATM Invitation letter by EMTA Meeting Agenda final version – updated 08 November Workshop Agenda draft 4 – updated 28 october Meeting Guide Registration form Recommanded Hotel list

  • Event31 March 2011 to 1 April 2011
  • General Meetings

Madrid : 31 mars – 1 april 2011

Record of decision Invitation letter by CRTM Invitation letter by EMTA 6th draft agenda (updated 25th march) International conference agenda v4 – Versión Española Registration form Recommended hotels Airport to meeting place Map of the area Metro Madrid map Documents for the meeting Record of decisions Barcelona GM Presentation of Murcia Transport authority & Letter

  • Event9 November 2011 to 11 November 2011
  • General Meetings

Birmingham : 9-11 november 2011

Record of decisions Invitation letter by Centro Invitation letter by EMTA Draft Agenda 24 october update Call for speakers Accommodation & Welcome Booklet Technical visits options Registration form – Proxy voting sample Members listing Agenda Conference – Invitation for the Conference Registration form workshop Documents for the meeting – Record of decision Madrid – 2nd

  • Event24 May 2012 to 25 May 2012
  • General Meetings

Prague : 24-25 may 2012

Record of decisions Invitation Letter from Ropid – Invitation letter from EMTA 1rst practical informations given by our host Registration form Agenda draft4 15 may Documents for the meeting Accounts 2011 : note & figures 1rst revised Budget 2012 : note & figures Responses to Mrs Rosca Head of Clean Transport and Sustainable Urban Mobility

  • Event16 September 2012 to 19 September 2012
  • General Meetings

Berlin : 16-19 september 2012

Record of decisions Speech of M.Kallas at gala dinner Speech of M. Franz at gala dinner Invitation letter from VBB Invitation letter from Secretary general Practical informations General meeting places of interest map Final Agenda (14 september 2012) Registration form Documents for the meeting – Record of decisions Prague – Revised budget 2012 & Figures

  • Event10 October 2013 to 11 October 2013
  • General Meetings

Vienna : 10-11 october 2013

Record of decisions The general meeting will be in VOR building. They already pre-booked 40 rooms in those 2 hotels : 1) Motel One 2) Fleming´s Hotel Wien-Westbahnhof Don’t loose time, the period seems to be crowded……code “EMTA meeting” Invitation letter VOR – Invitation letter EMTA Registration Form – Plan for VOR recommended hotels Final

  • Event15 May 2014 to 16 May 2014
  • General Meetings

Rotterdam : 15-16 may 2014

Record of decisions Rotterdam/The Hague Invitation letter by the host & Invitation letter by EMTA Registration form Recommanded hotels : Tulip Inn – CitizenM – Mainport Final agenda Documents for the meeting Record of decisions of Vienna General meeting (proposed version) Budget 2013 closings : Note & Figures Budget 2014 1rst revised : Note &

  • Event9 October 2014 to 10 October 2014
  • General Meetings

London : 9-10 october 2014

Record of decisions London Invitation TfL London & Invitation SG EMTA Registration Form Booklet Program Draft 7 agenda Documents for the meeting Draft record of decisions Rotterdam/The Hague Budget files revised 2014 : Figures & Memo Budget files forecast 2015 (new version) : Figures & Memo Membership Hamburg : Resignation & EMTA response Fee proposal

  • Event21 May 2015 to 22 May 2015
  • General Meetings

Oslo : 21-22 may 2015

Record of decisions Invitation letter by EMTA SG Invitation letter + Practical informations by RUTER Registration form & Final agenda Booklet for the general meeting (will be send by post week 18) Documents for the meeting Draft Record of decisions London Budget files closing 2014 : Figures & Memo Budget files revised 2015 (new version)

EMTA Members