Latest changes on

  • 11 October 2016
  • Palma de Mallorca

Public transport networks

The network includes the following services: Interurban bus transport network, covering all municipalities of the island (known as TIB network), operated by private companies after a public tender. Commuter train from Palma to Inca, sa Pobla and Manacor, operated by the public transport operator Majorcan Railway Services (SFM). Palma metro, from Palma City Centre to

  • 23 August 2023

Financing/Pricing data

Budget 2017 IdFM operating budget amounted to €10,085m in 2017. However, fare revenues (that are decided by IdFM but are collected by the operators) have to be deducted (€ 3,814m) to that budget. Fares 2019 IdFM is responsible for the fare policy. The Ile-de-France region was divided into 5 concentric fare zones up to 31st

  • 23 April 2019
  • Paris Ile-de-France

Identification of metropolitan area

Administrative structure of the Ile de France Region: 1 elected regional council 8 elected “départements” (equivalent of English counties) including City of Paris 115 intermunicipalities 1,281 elected municipalities Ile-de-France, the capital region of France, is one of the 13 French regions to be created as of 1st January 2016. CITY Population (2015): 2,206,488 Employment (2015):

  • 24 April 2019
  • Paris Ile-de-France

Public transport networks

Public Transport System Public transport systems in Paris and Ile-de-France carry more than 41 million passengers everyday. The daily modal share of mobility in Ile-de-France is quantified by a study called EGT 2010. Results were as follows: walking (38.7% – 15.904 million), car (37.8% – 15.532 million), public transport (20.1% – 8.287 million), cycling (1.6%

  • 12 April 2019
  • Porto

Financing / Pricing

Fundings The PT services by private operator in metropolitan area, like the 30 private companies that operate the public passengers transport by road (bus) are funding by private resources, including the operational costs and their direct investment costs – mainly what they received from ticketing. The PT services by public operators, like the metro, the

  • 12 April 2019
  • Porto

Identification of metropolitan area

Porto, a city with its references inscribed in history, is today affirmed as a city-pole, embryonic of the great region that is now the Metropolitan Area of Porto (AMP). Located in the North Coast of Portugal, the AMP embraces a geographic zone, currently composed by 17 contiguous municipalities, in an approximate area of 2,040 Km2

  • 23 August 2023

Public transport networks

Map of the network To be updated soon Projects of developments

  • 23 August 2023

Financing/Pricing data

Fares (2016) There are four tariff zones in the territory of the City of Prague,“P” (double-zone), “0” and “B”.The surroundings of the City of Prague is divided in seven zones (1,2,3,4,5,6,7), based on the distance. Funding of Public Transport in 2015 Total expenditure from the City Budget for the transport: 0.639 bn € (Prague only)

Map of the city and metropolitan area within the Czech Republic
  • 11 April 2016
  • Prague

Identification of metropolitan area

Prague region, in addition to Prague city, includes a part of the Central Bohemian Region surrounding the city, particularly the entire area of districts Prague-East and Prague-West and parts of adjacent districts. The boundary is defined by an area reaching 40-50 km from the centre. Population of Prague: 1.25 million inh. (2015) Population total :

  • 23 August 2023

Public transport networks

Public Transport System The integrated system based in: Tram, metro and the most part of the bus services are provided by Dopravni Podnik Hlavniho Města Prahy (Prague Public Transit Co.), a municipally owned corporation. Suburban services run under State Railway (Ceske Drahy) and usually private bus and ferry operators. Metro Bus Tram Ferry Suburban Bus Suburban Rail Management

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