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Identification of metropolitan area
Description of metropolitan area The West Midlands is made up of seven Local Authority areas with a total population of 2.56 million inhabitants. These Local Authorities are: Birmingham, Coventry, Dudley, Sandwell, Solihull, Walsall and Wolverhampton.Birmingham is the largest of the Local Authority areas and is the second largest city in the United Kingdom. The West

Financing/Pricing data
Funding and Expenditure 2011/12 : £ million Revenue Budget: The revenue budget is mainly funded by the levy, which comes from each of the seven Metropolitan District Councils in the West Midlands. The levy is collected through Council Tax from residents of the West Midlands and is paid by each district based population. In 2015/16

Public transport networks
Public Transport System 2016 – 164 million passengers Type of networks More information and maps on CTB website Policy on car parks

Identification of metropolitan area
Description Bizkaia is one of the Regions of the Basque Country. It has 1.141.442 inhabitants living in 111 municipalities and covers a surface of 2,217 km². Its capital city is Bilbao, a city of 343.234 inhabitants on 41.3 km². The Metropolitan Area of Bilbao has a population of 878,000 inhabitants in 26 municipalities covering 364,8

Financing/Pricing data
Funding of public transport (2015) The Consortium’s overall finance scheme is set out in the Finance Plan, a document providing a scenario of almost 40 years, a balanced and feasible system, and this is why current decisions are assessed as to their impact on finance.The Finance Plan stabilises economic providing funds from the Basque Government

Public transport networks
Description of the network The VBB offers an integrated public transport system within its area including the services of most of the public and private public transport companies of Berlin and Brandenburg comprising bus services, tram services, the Berlin Underground, the S-Bahn, the regional railways and even ferry services run by the local public transport

Identification of metropolitan area
Presentation The VBB Verkehrsverbund Berlin-Brandenburg is the traffic association covering the federal states of Berlin and Brandenburg – the capital area of Germany – with the municipal districts and towns of Brandenburg, which are responsible for public transport. Officially founded on 30th December 1996 it can trace back its roots as far as to the

Financing/Pricing data
Funding of public transport (2015) Ticket revenues in Berlin and Brandenburg. Regional railways incl. S-Bahn and public road transport (bus, tram U-Bahn) – 1.344 billion € Subsidies for local and regional public transport in Berlin and Brandenburg – 1.513 billion € Fares (2011) The basic of the VBB-fare structure is a distance-dependently regional area fare

Public transport network
The public transport system in Belgrade consists of four subsystems: Public transport operates within an integrated system comprising: integrated network, schedules, fare types and collection and management. Number of passengers/day (journeys/day) in the public transport is 2.5 million. In daily operation there are over 1600 vehicles, with the number of departures being more than 30

Identification of metropolitan area
Belgrade is the capital city of Serbia, located in Southeastern Europe, on the Balkan Peninsula. It lies at the confluence of the Sava River into the Danube. The Danube flows through 60 km of Belgrade area, while the Sava covers 30 km from Obrenovac to its intake. The length of river banks of Belgrade is