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Financing/Pricing data
Fares and ticketing The public transport in the Netherlands has abolished the paperbased ‘strippenkaart’; nationwide the rollout of the E-ticket was completed by November 3, 2011. The OV-chipcard is an electronic purse that is used to pay electronically in the public transport and replaces the old paper ticket. The chipcard was launched by the beginning

The President & the Board EMTA is controlled by a board elected by the general meeting for a two-year renewable period. The current board, elected 5th november 2021, is as follows: – President of EMTA: Trafikselskabet Movia (MOVIA – Copenhagen), Mrs Dorthe Nøhr Pedersen – Vice-President of EMTA: Ile-de-France Mobilités (IdFM – Paris / Ile

European Metropolitan Transport Authorities (EMTA) is an association that was created in 1998 so as to form a venue for exchange of information, experience and best practices in the field of planning, integrating and financing public transport services in the larger European cities and their metropolitan areas. EMTA brings together 34 authorities from 21 European

Tomorrow Mobility World Congress – 15 to 17 november 2022 – Barcelona (SPAIN)
More information on their website

European Mobility Week – 16 to 22 september 2022
EUROPEAN MOBILITY WEEK is the European Commission’s flagship awareness-raising campaign on sustainable urban mobility. It encourages behavioural change in favour of active mobility, public transport and other clean, intelligent transport solutions. With more towns and cities joining each year, the campaign continues to drive Europe, and beyond, toward sustainable urban mobility. For more information visit

ITS Congress – 30 May to 1 June – Toulouse (FRANCE)
The ITS European Congress, the largest event entirely dedicated to smart mobility and digitalisation of transport, is organised by ERTICO – ITS Europe. The ITS European Congress is part of a bigger cluster of ITS Congresses. It is organised in a European city in the years where there is no ITS World Congress in Europe.

Velo-city 2022 – 14 to 18 June – Ljubjana (SLOVENIA)
Velo-city, the world cycling summit, is where advocates, cities, decision makers, researchers and industry leaders meet to shape the future of cycling. As annual flagship event of the European Cyclists’ Federation, Velo-city plays a valuable part in promoting cycling as a sustainable and healthy means of transport for all. Like no other event, the conference

Connecting Europe days 2022 – 28 to 30 June 2022 – Lyon (FRANCE)
Connecting Europe Days – formerly known as TEN-T Days – will bring together politicians, industry representatives and the European Commission to discuss transport and mobility, and their role in achieving the ambitious goals set out in the European Green DealSearch for available translations of the preceding linkEN and the Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy.Search for

Demand for regional bus and rail travel in Mallorca returns to pre-Covid level
More users travelled on Mallorca’s TIB regional bus and rail network in January this year compared to the same month in previous years. The year has started well for intercity public transport in Mallorca with more than 785 000 journeys in January. This represents a 70% growth from 2021 and beats the pre-Covid figure of

AUTONOMY – 17 & 18 March 2022 – Paris (FRANCE)
Discover today’s solutions and tomorrow’s innovations at the world’s largest annual gathering dedicated to new sustainable mobility solutions. Take advantage of 2 days to discover the latest industry trends and news, meet new suppliers and partners and attend expert conferences and quality demonstrations. In an atmosphere conducive to meeting and developing tomorrow’s mobility activities, the