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Basic information Name of the public transport authority: CTB – Bizkaia Transport Consortium Name of the PTA in local language: Consorcio de Transportes de Bizkaia (CTB) Other public transport trademarks: Bizkaiko Garraio Partzuergoa Geographical area: Province of Biscay Inhabitants in the PTA area: 1.2 million Responsibilities Ticketing: CTB is responsible for public transport ticketing in

Basic information Name of the public transport authority: TML – Lisbon Metropolitan Transport Name of the PTA in local language: TML – Transportes Metropolitanos de Lisboa, E.M.T, S.A. Other public transport trademarks: Carris Metropolitana is a brand for buses in the Lisbon metropolitan area. Navegante is a brand for the common fare system and ticketing

Basic information Name of the public transport authority: JUDU – Municipal enterprise “Communication services” Name of the PTA in local language: JUDU – SĮ (Savivaldybės įmonė) „Susisiekimo paslaugos“ Geographical area: All the 21 districts within the territory of Vilnius City Municipality. 21 of the bus routes are extended to the area of Vilnius District Municipality.

Basic information Name of the public transport authority: Thessaloniki Transport Authority S.A. – TheTA Name of the PTA in local language: ΟΡΓΑΝΙΣΜΟΣ ΣΥΓΚΟΙΝΩΝΙΑΚΟΥ ΕΡΓΟΥ ΘΕΣΣΑΛΟΝΙΚΗΣ Α.Ε. – ΟΣΕΘ Α.Ε. Geographical area: TheTA covers the Regional Unity of Thessaloniki, which includes 14 municipalities: Ampelokipoi-Menemeni, Chalkidona, Delta, Kalamaria, Kordelio-Evosmos, Lagkadas, Neapoli-Sykies, Oraiokastro, Pavlos-Melas, Pylaia-Chortiatis, Thermaikos, Thermi, Thessaloniki

Basic information Name of the public transport authority: City of Belgrade, City Administration, Secretariat for Public Transport (SfPT) Name of the PTA in local language: Grad Beograd, Gradska uprava, Sekretarijat za javni prevoz Geographical area: City of Belgrade Inhabitants in the PTA area: 1.7 million Responsibilities Ticketing: There is a tariff policy department in the

Basic information Name of the public transport authority: Porto Metropolitan Area Name of the PTA in local language: Área Metropolitana do Porto (AMP) Geographical area: The Metropolitan Area of Porto, also known as Área Metropolitana do Porto (AMP), covers the following municipalities: Arouca, Espinho, Gondomar, Maia, Matosinhos, Oliveira de Azeméis, Paredes, Porto, Póvoa de Varzim,

Basic information Name of the public transport authority: Piedmont Public Transport Authority Name of the PTA in local language: Agenzia della mobilità piemontese (AMP) Geographical area: Piedmont region Inhabitants in the PTA area: 4.2 million Responsibilities Ticketing: AMP provides support for the fare policy in the Piedmont region. We update the fare levels based on

Basic information Name of the public transport authority: Transport Administration Name of the PTA in local language: Trafikförvaltning Public transport trademarks: Storstockholms lokaltrafik, SL (all land public transport), Waxholmsbolaget (all sea traffic), Färdtjänst (mobility service), Spårvägsmuseet (museum) Geographical area: Region Stockholm consists of 26 municipalities. PTA has a regional responsibility to provide public transport within

Basic information Name of the public transport authority: Transport for Athens (TfA) – Athens Urban Transport Organisation S.A. (OASA S.A.) Name of the PTA in local language: Συγκοινωνίες Αθηνών – ΟΑΣΑ ΑΕ Geographical area: OASA is responsible for the public transportation system in the Athens Metropolitan Area that spans 2929 km² within the Attica region

Basic information Name of the public transport authority: Valencia Metropolitan Transport Authority (ATMV) Name of the PTA in local language: Autoritat de Transport Metropolità de Valéncia (ATMV) Geographical area: The area of ATMV includes the 60 municipalities that make up the Valencia Metropolitan Transport Area Inhabitants in the PTA area: 1.9 million Responsibilities Ticketing: ATMV