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  • 14 August 2014
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Nordic Conference and InformNorden 2014

From 11-13 of June in Oslo your EMTA secretary witnessed the biannual conference of the Nordic Public Transport 2014 conference bringing together over 350 practitioners, traders, exhibitors and government experts in the Nordic field of transport and traffic. EMTA colleagues from RUTER in Oslo hosted and presented an 2 day conference programme with a wide

  • 14 August 2014
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The new AnachB | VOR app

How do I get from A to B? When is the next bus or the next train arriving respectively departing? Are there any delays or road works on the route? How do I get in time to my appointment? Answers to these and more questions are provided live via mobile phone since 1st June. To

The canal in 2014
  • 14 August 2014
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Brussels refreshed ! A vision on mobility in the future

By 2040, today’s children will be adults. They will move around, study, work, go out, travel, have children, create companies, take decisions, and face the future all by themselves. By then, the population of Brussels will likely have grown by 25%! So a major challenge for the Brussels-Capital Region is to manage, starting from now,

  • 11 August 2014
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The importance of Corporate Social Responsibility for Transportation Authorities: the case of the Regional Transport Consortium of Madrid

The Corporate Social Responsibility of the Regional Transport Consortium of Madrid (CRTM) is aligned with the new social model that requires a satisfying experience of the public transport customer in his daily mobility, to position the user at the intangible values level. The association with the best values perceived by Madrid society: transparency, knowledge, leadership,

  • 29 April 2014
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Barcelona ATM is on the way to T-Mobilitat

Over the next few months Barcelona will launch a new mobility card to replace the 84 different public transport integrated fares that coexist nowadays in the metropolitan area of the Catalan capital. However, the T-Mobilitat project is not limited to public transport but has a much broader scope, defined by current tendencies and needs, and

  • 29 April 2014
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STIF (Ile de France Transport Syndicate) is accelerating the purchase of non-polluting buses in Ile de France

On 11 December 2013, the STIF Board of Directors adopted an unprecedented plan to reduce pollutants emitted by buses. By 2020-2025 the aim is to have a fleet of all-electric and NGV Biogas buses in Ile-de-France, consistent with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by 20% written into the Plan de Déplacement Urbain d’Île-de-France

  • 29 April 2014
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CRTM grants Awards to Promotion of Public Transport and Sustainable Mobility

The Regional Transport Consortium of Madrid (CRTM) has delivered on January 14th, the II Awards on Promotion of Public Transport and Sustainable Mobility, in which Public Transport field initiatives coming from 26 organizations individuals or companies are recognised. The awards had two categories. The first category intended to recognise employees in any of the PT

  • 19 December 2013
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The Superhub project

SUPERHUB is a European co-funded project involving 20 partners, Barcelona ATM and Helsinki HSL among them, from 6 different Countries. In 2014, after 36 months of research, development and largescale trials, SUPERHUB will unveil an open source platform for PC and mobile applications which will be able to plan customized urban routes, combining in real

  • 19 March 2014
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Tax settlement in Warsaw offers a privilege for cheaper tickets

On 1 January 2014, a new fare scheme comes into force. It benefits people living in Warsaw by the introduction of additional discount in fares for people provided they settle their personal income tax in Warsaw revenue office. A new feature is that the new single tickets will allow travellers to transfer during their trip

  • 19 December 2013
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London goes contactless

Contactless payment cards have been accepted on London buses as a payment mechanism since December 2012. From early summer 2014 customers will be able to use them to pay for travel on Tube (metro), tram, Docklands Light Railway and London Overground suburban rail services. As part of its preparations, TfL has invited customers to help

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