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  • 6 May 2009
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New bus for London moves a step closer

Mayor of London Boris Johnson has unveiled the winning designs in the New Bus for London competition. Overall 700 entries were received from professionals and nonprofessionals of all ages. The judges were so impressed with the ideas submitted in the ‘whole bus design’ category that a joint first prize was awarded to Capoco Design Ltd

  • 5 May 2009
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More ways to check before you travel in London

New features on Transport for London’s website have made it even easier to find the latest travel and Tube (metro) information at the click of a mouse. Additions to the site include: A single page that brings together all the travel tools so passengers can easily find up-to-date information to plan their journeys, Options to

  • 5 May 2009
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Barcelona tramway: a success story

In June 2008 came into operation the last track of the planned tramway networks in the area of Barcelona. The project started in 1999 when a bid comprising the design, the construction and the exploitation of a tramway system was launched by ATM and awarded subsequently to a private operator (Tramvia Metropolità SA) for an

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  • 30 April 2009
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EMTA new logo

EMTA members approved to change the logo of the association at the general meeting in Valencia. After 10 years of this visual identity : The new EMTA logo will now be this one :

  • 2 February 2009
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VELO-CITY 2009 – 12 to 15 may 2009 – Brussels (BELGIUM)

More information on the websites : – –

won't eat
  • 30 January 2009
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Passengers campaign for better behaviour

Transport for London (TfL) has launched a new website giving Londoners the chance to campaign for better behaviour on the Capital’s transport systems. The ‘Together for London’ site provides a forum for people to share their thoughts on everything from cyclists ignoring red lights to eating smelly food on the Tube. They can join discussions,

  • 2 February 2009
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UITP Conference – 4 to 6 march 2009 – Bremen (GERMANY)

More information on their website : UITP Bremen conference

  • 30 January 2009
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BEST: Benchmarking of customer satisfaction with public transport in Europe

BEST stands for Benchmarking European Service of public Transport. It is a non-profit project that started in 1999 with the overall objective to increase the use of public transport in European urban areas. In 2008, the following cities participated in BEST: 1. Berlin 2. Copenhagen 3. Geneva 4. Helsinki 5. Oslo 6. Stockholm 7. Vienna

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  • 18 February 2009
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EMTA 10th Anniversary Conference – 27 November 2008 – Paris (France) incl. Proceedings

On November 2008, EMTA celebrated 10 years of activity in the field of Urban transport with a conference held in Paris at the invitation of STIF and the Regional Council of Ile de France. President of Region Ile de France Jean Paul Huchon and Vice President Serge Mery and Director General Sophie Mougard deserve the

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  • 20 November 2008
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EUROCITIES Conference – 26 to 29 November 2008 – The Hague (Netherlands)

More details on their website :

EMTA Members