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  • 20 November 2008
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EUROCITIES Conference – 26 to 29 November 2008 – The Hague (Netherlands)

More details on their website :

  • 20 November 2008
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UITP : 3rd Metro Conference – 3 to 5 December 2008 – Lausanne (Switzerland)

More info on their website :

  • 20 November 2008
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Helsinki region: A new procurement organization

A new public transport procurement organization is being created in the Helsinki region. The new organization will bring together the different bodies currently responsible for the organization of public transport services in Helsinki and in the rest of the metropolitan area. The new organization is expected to attract also new members from among municipalities surrounding

ETC 2008-1
  • 17 September 2008
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European Transport Conference – 6 to 8 october – Leeuwenhorst (The Netherlands)

More information on their website : ETC 2008 Download the program

  • 20 November 2008
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Extension of L3 metro line in Barcelona: infrastructure and urban design

The extension of the L3 line between the Canyelles and Trinitat Nova stations came into operation on 4 October 2008, with a new 1.8-kilometre tunnel section and two new stations, Roquetes and Trinitat Nova, which it is estimated will provide service for 4 million journeys a year. The initiative included the construction of two new

Dublin Bus 2
  • 5 September 2008
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Advanced ITS system for Dublin Bus

Dublin has recently opted for an advanced intelligent transportation system (ITS). The Intermodal Transport Control System MOBILE-ITCS dispatchers maintain the overview over the traffic situation in the city of Dublin at all times and can initiate counter measures should disturbances occur. The system includes the provision of the integrated statistical evaluation software MOBILEstatistics that allows

metro turin
  • 5 September 2008
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About Torino Public Transport Authority

The Agenzia per la Mobilità Metropolitana is a consortium of functions instituted in 2003 by the Region Piemonte, the Province of Torino, the City of Torino, and the 31 Municipalities forming the Metropolitan Area. The whole transport system managed by the Agenzia supplies about 75 million vehicles*km and serves about 175 million of paying passengers

  • 26 May 2008
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POLIS Annual Conference – 25 & 26 November – Barcelona (Spain)

More info on their website :

STIF signing with RATP
  • 26 May 2008
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STIF the renewal of contracts with both operators RATP and SNCF place the focus on the traveller.

The recently decentralized STIF had its Council adopt unanimously in February 2008 the new contracts with RATP and with SNCF for the period 2008-2011. For the 4 years period, the compensation will reach €6bn for SNCF and €7.3bn for RATP (VAT not included). STIF signing with RATP STIF signing with SNCF The contracts enhance the

  • 26 May 2008
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ASK-IT Final Conference – 26 & 27 June – Nuremberg (Germany)

More info on their website Registration

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