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  • 5 February 2008
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MetroRail 2008 – 31 march to 3 april – Copenhagen (Denmark)

With over 50 presentations, case studies, panel sessions and roundtable discussions and an additional day dedicated to automation and driverless metros, MetroRail 2008 is the meeting place for the industry’s leading figures. MetroRail 2008 is the only place where you will be able to meet all these decision makers in one place at one time,

  • 16 January 2008
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AMT increases by 70% Commuter train capacity

Montreal, December 18, 2007 – Agence métropolitaine de transport (AMT) applauds the Quebec government’s decision to grant the necessary financing for the acquisition of 160 double-decker commuter train cars, which will enable significant service improvements throughout the metropolitan region’s commuter train network. These new cars will make it possible to boost capacity by 70% on

  • 22 January 2008
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From PTEG : More Powerful transport authorities for British city regions?

PTEG : the Passenger Transport Executive Group – brings together and promotes the interests of the six Passenger Transport Executives (PTEs) in England. Strathclyde Partnership for Transport and Transport for London are associate members. The powers available to city region transport authorities in England outside London are relatively limited compared with their counterparts across Europe.

  • 22 January 2008
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IT-TRANS 2008 – 13 to 15 february – Karlsruhe (Germany)

This is an UITP event. More information on their website : or you can contact :

  • 26 November 2007
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Successful measures for the development of Public Transport in the Metropolitan Region of Amsterdam.

Stadsregio Amsterdam the public Transport Authority responsable in both the City and the suburban area of Amsterdam, introduced competition as tendering of public transport services is now obligatory under Dutch law. A distinction is made between the regional services, covering the three suburban areas (Waterland, Zaanstreck, Amstelland-Meerlanden) actually tendered out, and the city of Amsterdam

twist logo
  • 7 January 2008
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Twist project

TWIST (Transport With a Social Target) is a European project financed by the EU Community Initiative INTERREG III B – CADSES (Central Adriatic Danubian South-Eastern European Space). It’s also an EU initiative of six European countries whose aim was to plan the best technical and economic solutions of Demand Responsive Transport in mountainous and rural

  • 16 January 2008
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Vilnius implements E-ticketing

As of 1 December 2007 electronic ticketing (e-ticketing) is in operation in Vilnius. The implementation comes as the result of a European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) project which was initiated by Vilnius City Municipality. The project was initiated in 2004, when the three biggest Lithuanian cities – Vilnius (554.409 inhabitants), Kaunas (358.111 inhabitants) and Klaipeda

  • 16 January 2008
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New technology for Ile de France rolling stock

In 2006, STIF decided to launch along with SNCF an ambitious programme of modernisation of the rolling stock for a total amount of €2,09bn. The programme included: – Acquiring 172 new trains specially designed for Ile de France services to replace the oldest cars of the fleet. The cost is €1,85bn. Delivery will start end

  • 26 November 2007
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The new airport Berlin-Brandenburg International (BBI) and its access to public transport

In 2011 the new airport of the capital region of Berlin will open. Located 30 km south-east of Berlin (near actual Schönefeld Airport) it will replace the three existing airport facilities. Connections to and from the new airport have been particularly studied to accommodate the foreseen 12-15 million passengers transiting each year. A new railway

Barclaycard OnePulse
  • 23 November 2007
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London TfL: 3-in-1 Card brings Oyster convenience to Barclaycard customers

TfL, in partnership with TranSys and Barclaycard, have today announced the launch of Barclaycard OnePulse. This unique 3-in-1 card combines Oyster with credit card and cashless payment facilities. The Barclaycard OnePulse card allows passengers to take advantage of all the benefits that Oyster offers: cheap, quick and convenient travel on the buses, Tube, DLR and

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