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EMTA Spring General Meeting – 31 may to 2 june 2017 – Helsinki, FINLAND

Helsinki city bike scheme pedaling to success
City bikes were rolled out in the streets of Helsinki in May and they immediately gained huge popularity. This year, there were 500 bikes at 49 bike stations. Next year the number of bikes will increase to 1,500 and that of stations to 150. City bikes are shared-use bikes available for people moving around the

Raide-Jokeri light rail link in the Helsinki region
In June, the Cities of Espoo and Helsinki approved the project plan for the first light-rail link in the Helsinki region called Raide-Jokeri. The light-rail line has been planned to mainly run in a dedicated lane separate from other traffic to ensure fast and disruption-free running of the trams. In addition, the line will have

The Madrid Regional Government promotes the combined use of bicycles and public transport
The Madrid Regional Government, through the Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid (CRTM), continues to foster intermodality by the combined use of bikes and public transport. Recently, it has launched the REB Plan (Red de Estacionamientos para Bicicletas or Bicycle Parking Network), and has expanded some sections of Metro where bike users can access without

Montréal completes a strategic reflection on fare structure
Public transit users in Montréal, Canada have benefitted from a regional integrated fare scheme since 1998. Monthly pass holders can get unlimited rides on commuter rail, metro, express and regular bus services provided by 16 public transit organizations. The integrated fare level is set according to the eight concentric zones radiating from the central business

2016 – Query experiences and lessons learned in regards to e.ticket systems – MESP Vilnius
Questionnaire & Synthesis

2016 – Query on traffic signage – MESP Vilnius
Questionnaire & Synthesis

2016 – Fare products and sales channels – MOVIA Copenhagen
Questionnaire, Form sample

2016 – Query on mobility analysis and passengers’ validations – STIF Paris Ile-de-France
Questionnaire & Synthesis

2016 – Query on reporting performances – MeMex / Italy