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The Sustainable Mobility Strategic Plan of the Madrid Region continues to developing measures and proposals
The Sustainable Mobility Strategic Plan of the Madrid Region, developed by the Consorcio Regional de Transportes, continues progressing, thanks to the collaboration between the different administrations, since it was set up in late 2013. This Plan has involved the 179 municipalities of the Madrid Region, through regular meetings with technical staff of the different City

Android Pay accepted for pay as you go travel in London
Since May, customers using Transport for London (TfL)’s services, including the Tube, buses and trams, as well as most National Rail services in London, have been able to travel using Android Pay on their mobile phone. The new payment app, developed by Google, supports MasterCard and Visa credit and debit cards from many of the

Sustainable mobility international Summer school – 15 to 19 august 2016 – Leipzig (GERMANY)
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EMTA general meeting – 6 to 7 october 2016 – Warsaw (POLAND)

2016 – Query on Real-time OpenData – STIF Paris Ile de France
Questionnaire & Synthesis

Joint letter Eurocities, UITP, UNIFE, EPF and EMTA
Coordinated action with Eurocities, UITP, UNIFE, EPF and EMTA to publish this joint letter to the Dutch minister of Transport and Environment mrs Schultz van Haegen with concerns expressed on the Informal Transport-Environment Council meeting on ‘Innovating for the future: Smart and green solutions for sustainable transport’ at April 14-15 in Amsterdam

ECMF-Polis Workshop on Coach in Cities – June 2016 – Brussels (BELGIUM)

TEN-T days 2016 – 20 to 22 june 2016 – Rotterdam (THE NETHERLANDS)
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Moving Together, the European Mobility Conference – 14 to 16 june 2016 – Paris (FRANCE)
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2nd Annual International Conference on Transportation – 6 to 9 june 2016 – Athens (GREECE)
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