Latest changes on

  • 18 September 2015
  • Internal surveys

2015 – Survey on Public Transport Fare Systems – Kyoto University / Japan

Questionnaire & Synthesis

  • 18 September 2015
  • Internal surveys

2015 – Urban regions in economic transition: the challenge to invest in rail connectivity and urban hubs to enhance economic vitality? – Goudappel Coffeng / The Netherlands

Questionnaire & Synthesis

  • 31 August 2015
  • News

New Ring Rail Line opened in July – Helsinki Airport and city now connected by train

The summer of 2015 marked one of the most significant changes in the public transport of Helsinki region. In July, the new Ring Rail Line opened for passengers, providing a key public transport link for the entire metropolitan area. Ring Rail Line starts and ends in Helsinki central station, forming a loop in the north

  • 20 August 2015
  • News

Contactless payments in public transport – 22 september 2015 – Brussels (BELGIUM)

More information here

  • 20 August 2015
  • News

Workhop Ricardo-AEA / TRT- EC Study on improving the understanding of urban accessibility and road congestion in Europe – 15 sept 2015 – Brussels (BELGIUM)

DG MOVE, Rue De Mot 28 B-1049 Brussels

  • 1 July 2015
  • Internal surveys

2015 – Buses accidents statistics – BKK Budapest

Questionnaire & & Synthesis

  • 12 May 2015
  • News

EMTA Autumn General meeting – 14-16 october 2015 – Vilnius (LITHUANIA)

Presentation movie

  • 12 May 2015
  • News

TEN-T Days 2015 Connecting Europe – 22&23 June 2015 – Riga (LATVIA)

More information on this website

  • 12 May 2015
  • News

High-Level Conference 2015 “A Social Agenda for Transport” – 4 June 2015 – Autoworld Brussels (BELGIUM)

More information on this website

  • 12 May 2015
  • News

New hybrid buses for the Hungarian capital in service

The last vehicles of the total of 28 hybrid buses were delivered to Budapest on 1 March 2015, thus the Hungarian capital can now boast one of the largest hybrid fleets in Europe. The brand-new articulated buses feature EURO VI- diesel engines along with electric propulsion which will be used when accelerating to 10-15 km/h

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