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In 2014, EMTA decided to stop to produce a printed version of the Directory.You could find the same informations on our members pages in the network section. Older versions

Improper MDMS regulation will fragment metropolitan public transport services
In an open letter to the EU Transport Commissioner Adina Vălean, EMTA reacts on open ticketing policy options that would impose on local rail services the rules designed for long distance rail services. EMTA alerts on the risk of fragmentation of the metrpolitan integrated public transport systems, used by millions of Europeans daily for their

“Public Transport is a Woman” in Warsaw
On 8 March 2023 – International Women’s Day – a conference titled „Public Transport is a Woman” was held at ZTM headquarters in Warsaw. The idea behind the event was to show that in a male-dominated industry such as public transport, women also demonstrate skills, clout and can effectively supervise and implement large projects. Women

Responsible authorities
Organization : The Warsaw Transport Authority (ZTM) is a budgetary unit of the Capital City of Warsaw. Established in 1992, it has set up new standards in Poland by separating organization and controlling of PT services from the operational tasks. ZTM is responsible for selling and controlling tickets, too. Today, Warsaw Transport Authority has contracts

Katalin Walter is elected EMTA president for a two-year term
Delegates of the transport authorities for the largest European metropolitan areas met in Barcelona on 26 October 2023 for the 50th General Meeting of EMTA. They elected Katalin Walter as new EMTA president for a 2-year term. Ms Walter is the CEO of BKK (Budapesti Közlekedési Központ), the Transport Authority for Budapest. Delegates also voted

The Barcelona Declaration highlights the special role of public transport authorities in creating a carbon free and sustainable metropolitan mobility system in Europe
In the declaration made on 27 October 2023 in Barcelona, EMTA members: The declaration was elaborated by the 34 EMTA members and endorsed by political representatives invited to the EMTA conference marking the 25th anniversary of the organisation: Press release


EMTA Newsletter – November 2023

When Stakeholders become Consultants – New ways to a Strategic Plan in Public Transportation
Just like most Transport Authorities and Public Transport officials the National Public Transport Authority of Israel wants to trigger the shift from private transportation to public transportation. To meet this challenge, the Authority decided to listen to their stakeholders and turn them into their consultants. In a collaborative process starting in 2015 the basis for