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  • 19 July 2018
  • News

EMTA members sign a declaration of intent to decarbonize public transport fleets

On June 8 members of European Metropolitan Transport Authorities gathered in a general meeting in Paris to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of EMTA. To seal this special meeting members of EMTA in presence of the national minister of transport in France Mrs Borne and Mrs Pécresse, president of Region Île de France, signed a Declaration

  • 28 August 2023

EMTA since 1998

EMTA Presidents EMTA Vice-Presidents EMTA Treasurers EMTA Secretaries general EMTA Policy/Project/Outreach Officers EMTA Administrative Assistants EMTA General Meetings EMTA Visual identity

  • 16 December 2021
  • News

EMTA release a new report about Zero emission in Public Transport

EMTA realeased a new report called “Towards Zero Emission Public Transport” You could find all EMTA previous reports in the publications section.

  • 5 April 2019
  • News

Oslo is ready for the era of electric buses

In Oslo City and Akershus county, Ruter estimates that there is only nine years left until all public transport will be zero emission. This includes buses and boats. A big step is taken this year. Oslo has had six electric buses in operation since 2017, split on 2 buses each for three PTOs. There have

  • 19 January 2021
  • News

Île-de-France : €23 millions European subsidy for the purchase of electric buses and the conversion of depots to electricity and biomethane

Through this funding, the European Commission is supporting the commitment of Île-de-France Mobilités and RATP in the regional ecological transition strategy aimed in particular at converting all the bus depots (140) and a large part of the bus fleet to biomethane and electricity by 2025. This European aid, supplemented by €23 million in innovative funding

  • 9 December 2019
  • News

Green deal, need for clean bus market evolution

EMTA and Polis with regards to the clean bus deployment as part of a future Green Deal for the EU sent on December 4 a letter to mr Frans Timmermans – EU Vice-President and Commissioner for sustainability – and mrs Adina-Iona Valean – Commissioner for Transport.

  • 3 July 2023
  • News

CO2 emissions targets on buses must not result in greater car use

In a position paper, EMTA members renew their support for the adoption of clean and zero-emission vehicles but emphasize the need for financial support and a nuanced approach to support the public transport sector through a rapid technology transition. The paper voices the concerns of public transport authorities (PTAs) across Europe about the proposed regulation

  • Event15 October 2015 to 16 October 2015
  • General Meetings

Vilnius : 15-16 october 2015

Record of decisions Invitation letter from the Mayor of Vilnius Practical informations & recommanded hotels Final agenda & Registration Form General meeting booklet GM places, easy access Documents for the meeting Draft record of decisions Oslo Proxy voting form – EMTA members delegates Manchester candidature for joining back EMTA Memo from DG Regio mr Poelman

  • 17 August 2023


EMTA brings together 34 authorities from 21 European countries. The roles and remit may not stand out in public as much compared to those of mobility providers. Nevertheless, public transport authorities in metropolitan areas represent key decision-making bodies for resolving issues related to public transport and infrastructure policy, including sustainable and smart mobility, for obvious

  • 17 August 2023


EMTA is a non-profit seeking association. Its purpose is to form a venue for meetings and exchange of information, research and experience between Authorities in charge of metropolitan transport of the main European cities. The emphasis is put on the technical character of the exchange and on a multimodal approach, covering aspects of an institutional,

EMTA Members