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ITF-Summit – 21 to 23 may 2014 – Leipzig (GERMANY)
More information on this website : [http://2014.internationaltransport>http://2014.internationaltransport]

EMTA Spring General meeting 2014 – 15&16 may 2014 – Rotterdam (The Netherlands)

EU Commission – 21 may 2014 – Brussels BELGIUM
Stakeholder seminar study to equip trains with ETCS Charlemagne building, , room Sicco Mansholt [More information on this website-> 2014-05-21-seminar_en.htm]

UITP Organising Authorities Committee – 8 to 9 May 2014 – Helsinky FINLAND
More information on this website

City-HUB project: key determinants for successful interchanges
Policy makers are becoming increasingly aware of the need for public transport to compete with private transport in order to manage demand on the transport networks. Sustainable transport use is supported by good interchange design; therefore it is important to understand what makes interchanges successful. A consortium of 9 European research institutes from 9 different

Traffic Information Austria (VAO)
Traffic Information Austria is a high-quality, Austrian-wide, intermodal traffic information system, which is built and authorized by traffic infrastructure, traffic information, and transportation providers. Routing information and other information contents for most traffic means and its linking options are provided, such as: car routing, public transport routing, bicycle routing, Bike & Ride, Park & Ride,

New TfL website puts customers in control, making it easier than ever to plan journeys on the move
Transport for London (TfL) has developed a new website to make it easier than ever to plan journeys on the move and make the most of all London has to offer. The new site is optimised for use on mobile, tablet, laptop or desktop and puts customers in control by providing more personalised, live travel

TRA2014 Conference – 14 to 17 april 2014 – Paris (FRANCE)
More information on this website :


11th symposium: Hybrid & electric vehicules – 18 &19 feb 2014 – Braunschweig (GERMANY)
More information on this website : [ en/events/hybrid.php-> en/events/hybrid.php]