Latest changes on

  • 17 January 2011
  • Internal surveys

2011 – VAT on public transports – CRTM Madrid


  • 27 December 2010
  • News

EMTA Spring General Meeting – 31 march/1rst april – Madrid (SPAIN)

EMTA will hold its 27th general Meeting at the kind invitation of the transport authority CRTM Madrid 31 March -1 April 2011

  • 8 November 2010
  • Working group on ITS

Road map for 2010-2011

Please find the road map 2010-2011 and the list of participants for the working group

  • 26 October 2010
  • Internal surveys

2010 – Survey Accessibility to Heavy Rail Services – VBB Berlin-Brandenburg

  • 30 August 2010
  • News

MEDIATE – European project under 7th FP Final Conference – 18/19 nov 2010 – London (UK)

More Information on their website=12&tx_ttnews[backPid]=1&cHash=79c8678372]

  • 30 August 2010
  • News

EMTA General Meeting – 11/12 nov 2010 – Barcelona (Spain)

  • 30 August 2010
  • News

UITP Workshop Better city Better Life – the contribution of public transport to social inclusion – 12 oct 2010 – Brussels (Belgium)

More information on UITP Website

  • 30 August 2010
  • News

AET European Transport Conference – 11/13 oct 2010 – Glasgow (UK)

  • 25 June 2010
  • News

Farewell to the ‘strippenkaart’ in Amsterdam City Region Stadsregio

The minister of Transport and Traffic accepted to put an end to the validity of the paper ticket system for paying in bus, tram and metro in the Amsterdam region transport network, the well-known “strippenkaart”. After a dual phase of over a year all travellers will have to have either a personalised or an anonymous

  • 11 May 2010
  • Internal surveys

2010 – Validation rules on the suburban trains – AMT Montreal

Questionnaire & Synthesis

EMTA Members