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  • 30 January 2009
  • News

Manchester mainstreams travel training

GMPTE are taking their approach towards mainstreaming travel training for disabled people forward by hosting a symposium in Manchester on 13 January 2009. The event which is entitled “Travel Training in Greater Manchester: The Way Forward – a Strategic Approach for Everyone” is aimed at local authorities and health authorities and is being delivered to

  • 30 January 2009
  • News

Brief Report on the French Presidency of the EU

The French presidency of the EU ended on 31 December 2008, the Czech republic is now holding the charge. Not all subjects have made the foreseen progress. Among the reached agreements : The “Energy and Climate package” the Council reached agreement on 11-12 December and the Parliament adopted the proposal on first reading on 17

  • 20 November 2008
  • News

Consorcio de Transporte Metropolitano de Sevilla 2007 Mobility review

A survey on household mobility facts and behavior has been conducted in 2007 by the Consorcio de Transporte Metropolitano del Area de Sevilla with the help of Instituto Apoldo. 35000 interviews across 46 municipalities of the urban area of Sevilla targeted to 12 years old and above population (85% of a total population of 1,438,451)

  • 20 November 2008
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A dedicated center for expertise on public private partnership PPPs

European Investment Bank EIB and European Commission EC have launched in Paris on 16 September, under the French Presidency of the European Union, a European Center of expertise on PPPs. 22 entities have already signed the agreement protocol, among which : EIB,EC, Finance Ministers of Austria, Greece, Bulgaria, Finland, Ireland, Lithuania, The Netherlands, Slovenia, Slovakia,

  • 5 September 2008
  • News

CODATU XIII conference – 12 to 14 November 2008 – Hô Chi Minh-Ville (Vietnam)

The Challenge of sustainable development of transport systems in emerging countries: the good solutions.

  • 5 September 2008
  • News

COMPRO 1rst Workshop Cost-efficiency of Hybrid and CNG buses through Common Procurement – 18 September 2008 – Bremen (Germany)

“Common Procurement of collective and public service transport clean vehicles” is a European project under Intellignet Energy Europe.

  • 5 September 2008
  • News

Get on get off… get around – 15-16 September 2008 – Salzburg (Austria)

The conference about the opportunities for changing and managing mobility in an ageing society, is supported by intelligent Energy Europe and will see the kick off of the AENEAS project. email contact registration form and practical informations

  • 5 September 2008
  • News

Reinhart Rack own initiative report on Green Paper…

…towards a new culture for urban mobility (see Emta news 32). The report, adopted by Parliament at a large majority 8-10 July in Strasbourg with few amendments, conveys the main message that new and innovative concepts on mobility in cities are urgently needed to tackle the adverse effects of urban transport on climate change. Members

  • 5 September 2008
  • News

French Presidency’s priorities in transport

State Secretary Dominique Bussereau unfolded the priorities of the French presidency in the field of transport. Identifying cleaner transport as the top priority he referred particularly to the “greening of transport” package including the proposal for revision of the Eurovignette Directive recently adopted by the Commission. This will be the subject of the debate during

  • 15 June 2008
  • Working group on ITS

Working group on ticketing

Survey Specifications :: consultant proposal :: Study progress :: Study draft final report :: Turin’s General meeting presentation :: Draft summary leaflet Final Report :: 6 pages leaflet Meetings – London, 31 march 2008 : Agenda :: List of participants :: Presentations: Intro to TfL, E-Ticketing at TfL – Barcelona, 21 January 2008 : Agenda

EMTA Members