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  • 21 November 2007
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Third Railway Package was agreed upon by EU member states on 23 October.

The Directive covers: Opening up of rail market to competition 1 January 2010. Licence for train drivers from 2009. Rail passengers set of rights and obligations and at some extent compensations for delays.

  • 21 November 2007
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Regulation on public passenger transport services

On 18 September 2007 the Council of Ministers on 2nd reading adopted the Regulation on public passenger transport services by rail and by road. The regulation will come into force 2 years after its publication at the EU Official Journal, this means end 2009. A transitional period of 10 years is allowed to comply with

  • 30 August 2007
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PILOT Final Conference 19 September 2007 Brussels

The Conference will display the PILOT methodology on Sustainable Urban Transport Planning and give main achievements from participating cities from Romania, Portugal, the UK and Estonia. More on their website : Pilot-transport

  • 28 August 2007
  • Working group on accessibility / inclusion

EMTA Study: Growing older population mobility needs

– Call for Bids :: Rupprecht Consult Proposal :: Questionnaire – Answers to the questionnaire: Analysis grid :: Zip Archive of answers – Presentation of the inception report by Rupprecht Consult – Presentation of the Main findings Bilbao Apr 07 by Rupprecht Consult – Final report

  • 13 August 2007
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Light Rail 07 Conference & Exhibition – London 2 November 2007

More on

  • 13 August 2007
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4th International Marketing Conference – Malaga 14-16 November 2007

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  • 13 August 2007
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School Choice or Sustainable Transport ? Birmingham 4 october 2007

More information on the website

  • 9 August 2007
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EURFORUM final Conference, 19 november in Brussels

The European Research Forum for Urban Mobility EURFORUM set up under the leadership of UITP to define research priorities in the field of public transport will held a final conference to present the conclusions of the project. High level political speakers will attend. Attendence is free, registration is on a first come first serve basis.

  • 9 August 2007
  • News

5th international Rail Forum, 13-16 november in Valencia

More informations on the website

  • 9 August 2007
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European Transport Conference, 17-19 october in Noordwijkerhout – The Netherlands

For more informations, please visit the website

EMTA Members